pulumi / team-edition-for-open-source

Want to use the Pulumi service for your Open Source project?
Apache License 2.0
4 stars 6 forks source link

Pulumi Team Edition for Open Source

Want to use the Pulumi Cloud (app.pulumi.com) as a state and secret backend for your open-source project?

Then look no-further! We've got you covered.

As a company, we are deeply committed to being a good steward of the Pulumi open source project. As a way to give back to the community, the Pulumi Team Edition for Open Source gives maintainers of open source projects access to tools that help them to innovate and scale faster.

How to Apply

  1. [ ] Sign up for a free trial (no credit card required) at https://app.pulumi.com
  2. [ ] Open an issue with our "OSS License" template
  3. [ ] Submit a pull-request adding yourself to the list of open source projects using Pulumi
  4. [ ] Add the Team Edition for Open Source badge to the README of your infrastructure repo


To use Pulumi Team Edition Open Source, you must:

If you're unsure if these requirements are met, please email our developer advocacy team to start a conversation.

Current Open Source Projects