COLORS - The Dictionary of Color Combinations
- This website offers an interactive adaptation of the book "A Dictionary of Color Combinations Vol. 1" which is based on Wada Sanzo's famous color collection. The web-application allows users to explore the List of 159 colors and 348 color combinations. The colors can be filtered by their color-group and the combinations can be filtered by the number of colors they contain.
- On the detail pages of each color or combination the user has access to the CMYK, RGB, HEX, and LAB codes (Thanks to Matt DesLauriers).
- The Inspiration page offers the possibility to get a random color or random color-combination from the lists as well as access to the color-picker-component, which lets the user input a color with an color-type-input field and returns the most similar color from Wada Sanzo's list (thanks to chroma.js package, which i used for color-comparison).
- It is also possible to bookmark colors and combinations in a user-profile (sign in with your google or github account). The favored colors or combinations will then be saved in a MongoDB data-base to access them later. If the user does not sign in, the favorites will be stored in the browsers local storage.
You can find the hosted page here.
This website represents the graduation project of the Frontend-Coding-Bootcamp at Neue Fische coding school in Hamburg. I am happy to be able to implement my first own web development project as part of the boot camp.
Tech Stack
- React
- Next.js
- NextAuth
- MongoDB
- mongoose
- Styled-Components
- Local-Storage-State
- React Testing Library / Jest
Project Setup
- Clone this repository
- Use
for database connection, IDs and secrets for NextAuth providers
- Inside root folder install all dependencies via
$ npm install
- Run app in development mode via
$ npm run dev
- Run tests via
$ npm run test