puppetlabs / puppetlabs-terraform

Bolt Terraform plugin
Apache License 2.0
6 stars 18 forks source link
module supported


Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Requirements
  3. Usage


The Terraform plugin module supports looking up target objects from a Terraform state file, applying, destroying and querying outputs from Terraform project directories.


You will need to have installed Terraform on the system you wish to run bolt from. The executable must be on the system $PATH.

Inventory plugin usage

The resolve_reference task supports looking up target objects from a Terraform state file. It accepts several fields:

The target_mapping parameter requires either a uri or name field. If only uri is set, the value of uri is used as the name.


  - name: cloud-webs
      - _plugin: terraform
        dir: /path/to/terraform/project1
        resource_type: google_compute_instance.web
          uri: network_interface.0.access_config.0.nat_ip
      - _plugin: terraform
        dir: /path/to/terraform/project2
        resource_type: aws_instance.web
          uri: public_ip

Multiple resources with the same name are identified as .0, .1, etc.

The path to nested properties must be separated with .: for example, network_interface.0.access_config.0.nat_ip.

For example, the following truncated output creates two targets, named and These targets are created by matching the resources google_compute_instance.web.0 and google_compute_instance.web.1. The uri for each target is the value of their network_interface.0.access_config.0.nat_ip property, which corresponds to the externally routable IP address in Google Cloud.

  id = web-0
  cpu_platform = Intel Broadwell
  machine_type = f1-micro
  name = web-0
  network_interface.# = 1
  network_interface.0.access_config.# = 1
  network_interface.0.access_config.0.assigned_nat_ip =
  network_interface.0.access_config.0.nat_ip =
  network_interface.0.address =
  network_interface.0.name = nic0
  network_interface.0.network = https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/cloud-app1/global/networks/default
  network_interface.0.network_ip =
  project = cloud-app1
  self_link = https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/cloud-app1/zones/us-west1-a/instances/web-0
  zone = us-west1-a
  id = web-1
  cpu_platform = Intel Broadwell
  machine_type = f1-micro
  name = web-1
  network_interface.# = 1
  network_interface.0.access_config.# = 1
  network_interface.0.access_config.0.assigned_nat_ip =
  network_interface.0.access_config.0.nat_ip =
  network_interface.0.address =
  network_interface.0.name = nic0
  network_interface.0.network = https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/cloud-app1/global/networks/default
  network_interface.0.network_ip =
  project = cloud-app1
  self_link = https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/cloud-app1/zones/us-west1-a/instances/web-1
  zone = us-west1-a
  id = app-1
  cpu_platform = Intel Broadwell
  machine_type = f1-micro
  name = app-1
  network_interface.# = 1
  network_interface.0.access_config.# = 1
  network_interface.0.access_config.0.assigned_nat_ip =
  network_interface.0.access_config.0.nat_ip =
  network_interface.0.address =
  network_interface.0.name = nic0
  network_interface.0.network = https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/cloud-app1/global/networks/default
  network_interface.0.network_ip =
  project = cloud-app1
  self_link = https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/cloud-app1/zones/us-west1-a/instances/app-1
  zone = us-west1-a

Setting up Terraform project directories

The initialize task will setup a Terraform project directory with all the appropriate modules and providers needed to execute your configuration. It accepts a single field:

Provisioning resources

The apply task will apply resources and return the logs printed to stdout. It accepts several fields:

The apply plan will run the apply task against the localhost target and optionally return the result of the output task. It accepts several fields:

The output task will return the result of executing terraform output. It accepts several fields:

Destroying resources

The destroy task will destroy resources and return the logs printed to stdout. It accepts several fields:

The destroy plan will run the destroy task against the localhost and return it's result. It accepts several fields:


In this example plan, resources are applied and then destroyed during plan execution. The outputs from the terraform::apply plan are used to pass as data to a task.

plan example(TargetSpec $targets){
  run_task('terraform::initialize', 'dir' => '/home/cas/working_dir/dynamic-inventory-demo')
  $apply_result = run_plan('terraform::apply', 'dir' => '/home/cas/working_dir/dynamic-inventory-demo', 'return_output' => true)
  run_task('important::stuff', $targets, 'task_var' => $apply_result)
  run_plan('destroy', 'dir' => '/home/cas/working_dir/dynamic-inventory-demo')