puppylinux-woof-CE / awesome-puppy-linux

A list of awesome applications, software, tools and other materials for Puppy Linux
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Awesome Puppy Linux

Puppy Linux is an awesome Linux distro, and here's a list of all the best Puppy Linux releases, derivatives and supported programs.

Feel free to contribute / star / fork / pull request .
Any recommendations and suggestions are welcome.

Visit the Puppy Linux Hompage.

Or join us at the famously friendly Puppy Linux Forum.

We're always happy to help our newest members, so become a member now.

Table of Contents

Official releases:

Release Name Supported systems Release Date Built from
FossaPup64 64 bit Sep, 2020 Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal) amd64
Rasppup armhf 32-bit July 2020 Raspbian Buster armhf
BionicPup32 32 bit April, 2018 Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic) i686
BionicPup64 64 bit Sept, 2018 Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic) amd64
ScPup 32 and 64 bit Dec 2018 Slackware Current
DpupStretch 32 bit Dec 2017 Debian Stretch i686
Slacko-14.2 32 and 64 bit April, 2016 Slackware 14.2
XenialPup 32 bit April, 2016 Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial) i686
XenialPup64 64 bit June 2016 Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial) amd64
Slacko-14.1 32 and 64 bit Nov 2015 Slackware 14.1
TahrPup 32 bit Oct 2014 Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Tahr) i686
TahrPup64 64 bit Dec 2014 Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Tahr) i686

More versions are available on the official releases downloads page

Puppy derivatives:

Many more derivatives, remixes, spin-offs and unofficial releases are available in the Puppy Derivatives of the Puppy forum.

Puppy Sites

Puppy Documentation

Installing Puppy Linux

Guides and Tutorials

IRC channels


Puppy Linux programs

These open source programs are exclusive to Puppy Linux, and were developed by the Puppy Linux community.

Visit the Puppy forums for many more Puppy Linux specific programs, scripts, hacks and tricks.


Chat Clients

Command-line programs

Data Recovery

Desktop Environments and Window Managers


E-Book Utilities



File Manager







Sharing Files




Web-based applications

General Linux Websites

Linux News, Apps, and more ...


Learn Linux

Command Line Utilities


List of contributors

  1. (LuongVo)
  2. sc0ttj
  3. ....

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Guideline to contribute

Simeply put the name of the application in the list. Link to its homepage or a guide on how to install it.
Also write a short description for the application + add icon. Make sure it is put under the appropriate topic. If the application doesnt fit in any existing topic, make a new one for it. Ensure everything is alphabetically sorted.

Items marked with Open-Source Software are open-source software and link to the source code. Items marked with Freeware are free (as in free beer).


Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.