** This repository has been deprecated. Please use https://github.com/PureStorage-OpenConnect/TestDriveNewStack
This repo has scripts to spin up NewStack in Pure Storage's test drive
It currently works with Ansible and Kubernetes
Many thanks are due to kbkuebler for the idea, as well as Ansible yaml files.
clone the repo with:
git clone https://github.com/PureStorage-OpenConnect/TestDriveNewStack
Run the setup.sh script
Note that this will also install all of the Ansible bits
The demo scripts are located in the kubernetes_yaml directory. They are designed to be run in order as there may be dependancies.
kubectl apply -f 1_createPVC.yaml
kubectl apply -f 2_minio.yaml
kubectl apply -f 3_service.yaml
You can now log in to minio using the service port. Find the port with the kubectl get svc (should always be 9000) command. http://\<linuxIP>:\<port> Username/password: minio:minio123
Continuing with the rest of the commands, which will take a snap and clone a new PVC from that snapshot You can then continue with spinning up a new minio instance (default will be port 9001)
Don't forget that adding the snapshot spec adds the below object type
kubectl get VolumeSnapshots
For a snap restore demo, you can scale to 0 replicas, restore the snap, and scale replicas to 1. The command to scale replicas is: kubectl scale deploy minio-deployment --replicas=0
NOTE: Both arrays are present in the PSO config, so your PVC may go to the second array
Pure Service Orchestrator™ Explorer (or PSO Explorer) provides a web based user interface for Pure Service Orchestrator™. It shows details of the persistent volumes and snapshots that have been provisioned using PSO, showing provisioned space, actual used space, performance and growth characteristics. The PSO Explorer dashboard provides a quick overview of the number of volumes, snapshots, storageclasses and arrays in the cluster, in addition to the volume usage, the volume growth over the last 24 hours and cluster-level performance statistics.
Install by running install_pso_explorer.sh
Check status by running
kubectl get service pso-explorer -n psoexpl
External IP doesn't currently populate, use the linux host IP and the port exposed with the above command.
http://<ip address>:<port>/
clone the repo with:
git clone https://puresealab/newstack_testdrive
Run the install.sh or install_ansibleonly.sh script
I would also run:
source ~/.bashrc
This demo allows the driver to run playbooks in the ansible_playbooks directory. They are numbered to run through a progression.
You can run each playbook with 'ansible-playbook
More notes to come...
In order to run kuberenetes PSO in a non-test drive labs, it is necessary to modify the array and API keys at the following location: For kubernetes, modify the kubernetes_yaml/pso_values.yaml
To run the ansible demo in a non-test drive lab, it is necesarry to modify the array and API keys at the following location: ansible_playbooks/testdrive_vars.yaml
We also suspect that existing firewall rules can cause problems. I would run an iptables -F to be sure. Testing has mostly been done using the minimal CentOS 7 install.
The rest of the centos 7 customizations are:
More to come...