purpleteam-labs / purpleteam

CLI component of OWASP PurpleTeam
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Update dependencies in all components #107

Open binarymist opened 2 years ago

binarymist commented 2 years ago




Update CommonJS to ESM

Zaproxy Upgrade URLs

binarymist commented 2 years ago

Unfortunatly due to the fact that we consume a number of sindresorhus packages, and @sindresorhus decided to move their packages to (ESM only), we were forced to also make this move. This move had a good number of unanticipated side effects.

Waiting on:


We were forced to fork sywac to make some changes so that our CLI which uses sywac (which doesn't yet support ESM) to consume our now ESM code would still work. The Pull Request is still waiting on feedback from maintainers (@nexdrew, @elliot-nelson)


To be forked and support the latest docker-compose version. Currently we're locked to versions of docker-compose before v2. @paularah is working on replacing the docker-compose-ui functionality we use to support stage two containers in the local environment with kubernetes jobs.

URLs currently looking at:

Another option instead of forking and maintaining docker-compose-ui could be to move from docker-compose-ui to k8s, something like Minikube and k8s jobs for stage two containers.

If we went the k8s route we'd have to make sure that the stage two containers can be brought up and down during a test run based on the number of Test Sessions in a given Job file.

Further thoughts on the GSoC ideas page



Issue that covers the problem and fix

Redis is now fixed, rebased and pushed

node-redis was currently broken: https://github.com/redis/node-redis/issues/1870#issuecomment-1053226517

For our Testers upgraded to 4.0.2, but orchestrator is currently stuck on 3.1.2. Anything later is currently producing errors.

URLs we're currently watching:

We currently have a branch in orchestrator "binarymist/upgrade-incl-redis" that we will be rebasing on main and continuing to work on until we can move to a later version of redis that is fixed. If this doesn't happen, we'll consider changing to ioredis.


We have been depending on undocumented API features for years because we needed the functionality. In version 8 many undocumented API features were removed, the Cucumber CLI's getConfiguration was one of these. This means that retreiving the testplan is now broken until Cucumber reinstates the functionality.

Issues tracking this are at:

The above is now fixed. Now the colours are broken. Issue specifically for broken colours is here. As a temporary measure we've added the environment variable (FORCE_COLOR=1) to the app-scanner and tls-scanner Dockerfiles. This needs to be removed once cucumber has provided a fix.

Tested and all good.