pusher / chatkit-server-php

PHP SDK for Pusher Chatkit
MIT License
35 stars 20 forks source link
chat chatkit chatkit-php-sdk chatkit-server pusher

Chatkit Retirement Announcement

We are sorry to say that as of April 23 2020, we will be fully retiring our Chatkit product. We understand that this will be disappointing to customers who have come to rely on the service, and are very sorry for the disruption that this will cause for them. Our sales and customer support teams are available at this time to handle enquiries and will support existing Chatkit customers as far as they can with transition. All Chatkit billing has now ceased , and customers will pay no more up to or beyond their usage for the remainder of the service. You can read more about our decision to retire Chatkit here: https://blog.pusher.com/narrowing-our-product-focus. If you are interested in learning about how you can build chat with Pusher Channels, check out our tutorials.

Chatkit PHP Server SDK

Read the docs Twitter GitHub license PHP version

Find out more about Chatkit here.


We recommend you use composer.

You can get the Chatkit PHP SDK via a composer package called pusher-chatkit-server. See https://packagist.org/packages/pusher/pusher-chatkit-server

$ composer require pusher/pusher-chatkit-server

Or add to composer.json:

"require": {
    "pusher/pusher-chatkit-server": "^1.1.0"

and then run composer update.

Or you can clone or download the SDK files.

This SDK depends on PHP modules for cURL and JSON. See cURL module installation instructions and JSON module installation instructions.

Deprecated versions

Versions of the library below 1.0.0 are deprecated and support for them will soon be dropped.

It is highly recommended that you upgrade to the latest version if you're on an older version. To view a list of changes, please refer to the CHANGELOG.

Getting started

Head over to our documentation.

Running tests

WARNING Executing these tests will issue real requests to the configured Chatkit instance, some of which may be destructive. You should NOT run against a live production instance.

Install PHPUnit.

Ensure dependencies are up to date:

composer update

Set instance locator and secret key environment variables (available in the dashboard at dash.pusher.com):

export CHATKIT_INSTANCE_LOCATOR="v1:us1:89755518-5782-413d-9446-0d2726dd1e5a"
export CHATKIT_INSTANCE_KEY="2a188376-d4f0-47fa-8954-dd08115ea98c:NDk5YTZkOTgtMzk2ZC00NDlhLTg1MTYtYjNhODYzYWNiMjczCg="

Execute tests against a Chatkit instance:


Release process

  1. Update the CHANGELOG
  2. On Git, tag with the new version and push Packagist automatically releases new versions of the library upon detecting a new Github release.