pvdrz / pijama_legacy

A functional programming language
MIT License
47 stars 4 forks source link


Pijama is a general purpose programming language with the following features:


I wrote this language as a small playground to test some of the constructs explained in the Types and Programming Languages book. I also think that there is a gap in the current PL ecosystem: I've been looking for a functional, statically typed language that's easy to write and even though Haskell, OCaml and Racket are fun, I didn't feel comfortable with their syntax. I don't intend for others to take this language seriously, but I'm happy to discuss its design and implementation.

How to Use

Clone the repository and use cargo to run your programs

cargo run path_to_your_code.pj


Pijama's syntax is heavily inspired by Elixir, Python, Ruby, and Rust. Blocks of code are written using do/end and the types of terms are written using :. As an example, here you have the most important function in all of CS:

fn fact(n: Int): Int do
    if n <= 0 do
        n * fact(n - 1)


Functions are first-class citizens in Pijama. You can write higher order functions or define new functions by partially evaluating other functions

fn min(cmp: Int -> Int -> Bool, x: Int, y: Int) do
    if cmp(x, y) do x else y end

less_than = fn(x: Int, y: Int) do x < y end

is_negative = less_than(0)

x = min(less_than, 5, -2)


Compiling and Evaluation

Pijama is an interpreted language, i.e., your program is evaluated instead of generating an executable. However, it suffers several compilations before being evaluated. Source code is compiled to an untyped lambda calculus with some extensions (fix-point operator, conditionals, bit-based integer arithmetic, etc) and this representation is executed in a stateless manner. Right now there is no garbage collection and evaluation is far from efficient, there is a lot of duplicated values as we are doing call-by-name evaluation. If you happen to find a memory leak, let me know.

Next Steps

These are some of the features I'd like to implement in the future:

Non-next Steps


If you want to get a ticket for this roller-coaster check CONTRIBUTING.md for ways to contribute to Pijama and feel free to open an issue, do a pull request or drop an email. We'll be happy to hear from you.