pvinton / QGIS-EncodedPolylineExporter-plugin

QGIS Plugins
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Encoded Polyline - Plugin for QGIS

Encoded polylines are boundary definitions in a space-saving and efficient format.
They are used in many applications, from GIS tools to BI applications and more.
The Encoded Polyline plugin for QGIS allows you to export encoded polylines in a friendly CSV format for use in your applications.



  1. Install QGIS from QGIS.org
    Downloading QGIS
  2. Load QGIS and go to Plugins -> Manage and Install Plugins
    Loading the Plugins window
  3. Under the All tab, search for "encoded polyline" and click Encoded Polyline Exporter (your interface may differ slightly)
    Loading the Plugins window
  4. Click the Install plugin button and wait for installation to complete (an icon should appear on your top toolbar)
  5. You're good to use the plugin!


  1. Install QGIS from QGIS.org
    Downloading QGIS
  2. Download the Encoded Polyline source files from Github (click the Download ZIP button in the lower right)
  3. Extract the downloaded ZIP file
  4. Cut or Copy the encodedPolyline folder from inside the dist folder
  5. Paste or Move the encodedPolyline folder into your Plugin folder:
    • Windows - %USERPROFILE%\.qgis2\python\plugins
    • OSX/Unix - ~/.qgis2/python/plugins
      After moving into Plugins folder
  6. Load QGIS and go to Plugins -> Manage and Install Plugins
    Loading the Plugins window
  7. Under the Installed tab, check the box next to the Encoded Polyline Exporter plugin (an icon should appear on your top toolbar)
    Checking the Encoded Polyline box
  8. You're good to use the plugin!


  1. Load up a SHP or any file with boundary demarcations
  2. Click the Encoded Polyline icon on your top toolbar
    After clicking the Encoded Polyline icon
  3. Choose a Destination and column Prefix, then click OK
    • If you see a python error after clicking save, try again and choose a different save location
  4. Open the created CSV in your spreadsheet application
    Your data with the encoded polylines in a single column
  5. Use your data wherever you need it!

Information about Encoded Polylines

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