pvoid / AndroidBlueprintPlugin

Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA which adds support for android blueprints and allows to create Android apps as a part of the system.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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android aosp blueprint

IntelliJ IDEA has great support for android apps development, but it is based on gradle. If you are developing your forked version of android it doesn't really help and even if you try to mock a gradle based project it will still use public versions of android.jar. It means that the system and hidden API won't be visible. It causes autocompletion and code inspection problems.

This plugin intended to solve it. It uses blueprints as a base to build project structure and resolve dependencies.


To use the plugin you need to create Android SDK first. Any SDK works. It's used mainly for rendering resources in edit mode.

Add Android SDK

Next step - select Android source code root folder

Add AOSP source code root

The plugin is looking for .repo folder in the specified AOSP source code folder. If your workflow doesn't require it you can mock it. Just create an empty .repo folder and a minimal manifest.xml in it. The only required content is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <default remote="caf" revision="LA.UM.8.6.2.r1"/>

Now the plugin is ready to use. Just open any folder with Android.bp file in the root folder. You will see popup which asks you if you want to configure the project:

Configure a project

It will configure SDK and add dependencies.


Plugin uses build output to index dependencies, so you need at least one successful build.