pvpranked / pvpranked-public

Public end of PVP Ranked, contains issue tracker
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PVP Ranked


PVP Ranked is a project to allow all 1.9+ PVPers to compete against each other with a functional ranking system and a unified, good-quality experience. It will be an ideal tool for both practicing and truly having a proper competitive scene in PVP.

PVP Ranked is a mod that users run, not a Minecraft server. Players can select what gamemodes they want to queue for from a main screen accessed in the title screen. They will then be matched against an opponent in one of those modes, finding the player closest to you in skill, optimized for low ping.

Once in a match, players 1v1 to the death until they've won enough rounds to win the match.
Once the match is over your Skill Rating (SR), is corrected based on the ELO rating system using the results of the match. In general, winning a match against someone of equal skill to you will increase your SR, and losing will decrease it. Players are rated on SRs 1-6000, a higher SR denoting a higher skilled player. The SR spread is split into 6 ranks: Copper, Silver, Gold, Diamond, Masters, and Champion.

Full Feature Summary:

Planned for before release: (Next 1-3 months, more info in the discord)

Plans for the future:

Replay System

Replay viewer capable of replaying the match exactly as you experienced it in-game you will also be able to spectate the highest skill match going on at that time (dw about lag to either player, we have it covered)

The Improvement Engine.

An engine that tells you what you're doing wrong in your matches and what you should have done - built by Tier 3+ PVPers who want to help others learn. The basis of the statistics engine is code that forms a timeline of every action throughout a match and stores it next to a replay file.
But it will also be able to recognize patterns. Much of PVP is stringing together techniques - knowing when to p-crit, how to use spacing, how to follow up on a shield disable, what techniques are okay when your own shield is disabled - all things a computer can recognize.
The pictured end result is one where you can open a replay file and see a timeline of every technique you used over the match, each marked with a rating on how good of a decision it was and what the best options were. You might see that it marked a KB-hit trade as wrong, and when you hover over it, it informs you that you should be following up on a shield disable by getting close and critting or by comboing them.

Cosmetics and Monetization

Monetization will be limited to cosmetics. Here's the plan:

You'll also be able to buy a package that just gives you every cosmetic.


This seems like a cool thing I'll probably add eventually, the improvement engine framework will make this much easier since the match timeline thing it makes would be able to easily recognize something like winning a sword match without taking damage.

Is PVP Ranked Safe?

Yes. We've taken steps to cover all the ways someone could attempt to harm you through PVP Ranked.

Super technical details on how stuff works:

The general idea of PVP Ranked is this:
Minecraft servers are so expensive to run because they have to simulate the world around every player. FFA Servers, like stray.gg and many other servers, are worse for gameplay but do cost less because they only have to simulate one area, and that amount of area doesn't increase with the number of players!
But what if we had each player simulate their own match?



How it actually works

When you enter a match, one player is picked to host the match. An internal singleplayer world reserved for PVP Ranked testing is reset and then opened. First, the host joins, and then PVP Ranked makes the world available for another player to join - the code is similar to the code for Minecraft's "Open to LAN" functionality.

You begin talking to another player through whichever PVP Ranked server is closest. If you want to send a message to the other player, you first send it to the PVP Ranked server, and the server sends it to them.

Can I use PVP Ranked with my favorite client/mod/toaster?

You can only use whitelisted mods and clients as an anticheat measure, but we plan to include every mainstream non-hacked client and mod we can in the whitelist! (This includes every client and mod that's whitelisted for tier testing) So to be clear, this means you'll be able to use:



Other people's stuff that I used: