pwep / RJafroc

Most recent version of RJafroc
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title: "RJafroc software" author: "Dev P. Chakraborty, PhD" date: "r Sys.Date()"


R build status codecov CRAN\_Status\_Badge


See this link for an important summary of my AI/FROC research websites.

RJafroc Update History

RJafroc branch designations

Installation: those already familiar with installing R packages from GitHub can ignore the following directions

How do I get set up?

Three options are given below in increasing order of complexity.

1. Install from CRAN

cbmPlot <- PlotCbmFit(c(1, 2), c(0.5, 0.5))

2. Install from GitHub using package devtools

3. Download the RJafroc source files and install from the downloaded files

Contibutor guidelines (adapted from devtools GitHub page.)

Who do I talk to?