pwin / owlready2

GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Owlready2 is a module for ontology-oriented programming in Python 3, including an optimized RDF quadstore.

Owlready2 can:

Owlready has been created by Jean-Baptiste Lamy at the LIMICS reseach lab. It is available under the GNU LGPL licence v3. If you use Owlready in scientific works, please cite the following article:

Lamy JB. Owlready: Ontology-oriented programming in Python with automatic classification and high level constructs for biomedical ontologies. <>_ Artificial Intelligence In Medicine 2017;80:11-28

In case of troubles, questions or comments, please use this Forum/Mailing list:

What can I do with Owlready2?

Load an ontology from a local repository, or from Internet:


from owlready2 import * onto_path.append("/path/to/your/local/ontology/repository") onto = get_ontology("") onto.load()

Create new classes in the ontology, possibly mixing OWL constructs and Python methods:


with onto: ... class NonVegetarianPizza(onto.Pizza): ... equivalent_to = [ ... onto.Pizza ... & ( onto.has_topping.some(onto.MeatTopping) ... | onto.has_topping.some(onto.FishTopping) ... ) ] ... def eat(self): print("Beurk! I'm vegetarian!")

Access ontology class, and create new instances / individuals:


onto.Pizza pizza_onto.Pizza test_pizza = onto.Pizza("test_pizza_owl_identifier") test_pizza.has_topping = [ onto.CheeseTopping(), ... onto.TomatoTopping(), ... onto.MeatTopping () ]

Export to RDF/XML file:


Perform reasoning, and classify instances and classes:


test_pizza.class onto.Pizza

Execute HermiT and reparent instances and classes


test_pizza.class onto.NonVegetarianPizza Beurk! I'm vegetarian !

Access to medical terminologies from UMLS:


from owlready2 import from owlready2.pymedtermino2.umls import default_world.set_backend(filename = "pym.sqlite3") import_umls("", terminologies = ["ICD10", "SNOMEDCT_US", "CUI"])

PYM = get_ontology("http://PYM/").load() ICD10 = PYM["ICD10"] SNOMEDCT_US = PYM["SNOMEDCT_US"]

SNOMEDCT_US[186675001] SNOMEDCT_US["186675001"] # Viral pharyngoconjunctivitis

SNOMEDCT_US[186675001] >> ICD10 # Map to ICD10 Concepts([ ICD10["B30.9"] # Viral conjunctivitis, unspecified ])

For more documentation, look at the doc/ directories in the source.


version 1 - 0.2

version 1 - 0.3

version 2 - 0.1

version 2 - 0.2

version 2 - 0.3

version 2 - 0.4

version 2 - 0.5

version 2 - 0.6

version 2 - 0.7

version 2 - 0.8

version 2 - 0.9

version 2 - 0.10

version 2 - 0.11

version 2 - 0.12

version 2 - 0.13

version 2 - 0.14

version 2 - 0.15

version 2 - 0.16

version 2 - 0.17

version 2 - 0.18

version 2 - 0.19

version 2 - 0.20

version 2 - 0.21

version 2 - 0.22

version 2 - 0.23

version 2 - 0.24

version 2 - 0.25

version 2 - 0.26


Owlready2 on BitBucket (Git development repository):

Owlready2 on PyPI (Python Package Index, stable release):


Forum/Mailing list:

Contact "Jiba" Jean-Baptiste Lamy:


<jean-baptiste.lamy @ univ-paris13 . fr> LIMICS University Paris 13, Sorbonne Paris Cite Bureau 149 74 rue Marcel Cachin 93017 BOBIGNY FRANCE