pwnall / w3gram-js

Push Notifications (W3gram) JavaScript Client Library
MIT License
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W3gram Client JavaScript Library

Build Status API Documentation NPM Version

This is a W3C Push API polyfill that uses the W3gram push notification server. The library works in modern browsers and in node.js.


Building the library requries node.js 0.10 or above.

The W3C Push API requires ES6 Promises. Fortunately, many polyfills are available. This library has been tested with es6-promise-polyfill in conjunction with the setImmediate polyfill that it recommends.

The code has been tested on the following platforms:

The library should work on any browser that supports the WebSocket API and Cross-Origin Resource Sharing. The list above states the platforms that the code is actively tested against.


On the server side, you must obtain a W3gram API key, generate a device ID for each user session, and compute the token (signature) for the device ID.

An easy way to get an API key is to set up your own W3gram server via the one-click Deploy to Heroku button on the W3gram Server repository README, and follow the instructions there to set up your application.

Browser Setup

Check out the library and build it.

git clone w3gram.js
cd w3gram.js
npm install
npm package

The build output is lib/w3gram.js, minified as lib/w3gram.min.js, with the source map lib/

Once your server-side code embeds the API key, device ID and token into Web pages, use the following snippet to initialize the W3gram client library.

  "server": "",
  "key": "your-api-key",
  "device": "the-device-id",
  "token": "token-for-the-device-id"

After the setupPushManager call, the W3gram singleton implements the ServiceWorkerRegistration extensions in the W3C Push API.

W3gram.pushRegistrationManager.register().then(function (registration) {
  registration.onpush = function (event) {
    console.log("Got push notification: " +;
}, function (error) {

node.js Setup

This library does not yet have a properly designed API for node.js. Instead, it implements the W3C Push API, just like in the browser.

Add the dependency to your package.json.

"dependencies": {
  "w3gram": "0.1.2"

Require the library and use the Push API.

W3gram = require('w3gram');

Development Setup

Install all dependencies and create the PostgreSQL database used by the W3gram server in the test suite.

npm install
createdb w3gram_test

Run tests.

cake test
cake webtest
BROWSER=firefox cake webtest
BROWSER=safari cake webtest


This project is Copyright (c) 2014 Victor Costan, and distributed under the MIT License.