pwnwriter / haylxon

⚑ Blazing-fast tool to grab screenshots of your domain list right from terminal.
MIT License
384 stars 16 forks source link
bug-hunting-tools hactoberfest osint pwnwriter rust rustlang screenshot-utility

Haylxon πŸ”₯πŸ¦€

SHOOT BEFORE THE BLINK || Haylxon,  A tool embodying the K1SS philosophy that allows you to take screenshots of webpages/URLs at lightning-fast speeds using chromes Headless feature, means, you'd be needing a chromium based browser for it to work.

Built from the ground up for ease of use, performance, beautiful ui and portability in mind. πŸ’–

GitHub Release Crate Release MIT LICENSE Twitter Share [![ko-fi](]( ![-----------------------------------------------------]( ## Table of contents πŸ“” * [`Features`](#features) * [`Installation`](#installation) * [`Hxn in Action`](#action) * [`Benchmarking`](#benchmarking) * [`Contribution`](#contribution) * [`Support`](#support) * [`Also see`](#see) * [`License`](#license) * [`FAQ`](#faq) ![-----------------------------------------------------]( ## Features πŸ™ - **Fast**: [`Hxn`]( is designed to be fast, all credits goes to the [`rustlang`]( πŸ¦€ - **Portable**: You can use [`haylxon`]( on both [`*nix`]( & [`windows`]( - **Ease**: This tool is designed to be very user friendly as there are very few options but does all the required works that one expects.πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ¨ - **Simple**: As always [`Keeping It Simple and Stupid`]( ## Installation πŸ“©

πŸͺ„ Binary   - **Manual**: You can directly download the binary from [**releases**]( of your arch and run it. - **One liner**: Run this one liner script ```bash wget -qO- "$(curl -qfsSL "" | jq -r '.assets[].browser_download_url' | grep -Ei "$(uname -m).*$(uname -s).*musl" | grep -v "\.sha")" | tar -xzf - --strip-components=1 && ./hxn -h ```
🌼 Source   ```bash git clone --depth=1 --branch=main cd haylxon cargo build --release ``` Then go to `release` dir and `./hxn` or move the `binary` to your any `$PATH` for instant access from anywhere.
🎠 Cargo - Using []( ```bash cargo install hxn ``` - Using [binstall]( ```bash cargo binstall hxn ``` > **Note** ⚠️ > This requires a working setup of rust/cargo & binstall.
🚩 METIS Linux   ```bash sudo/doas pacman -Syyy hxn ```
πŸ’’ Arch user repository   ```bash paru/yay -S haylxon-git ```
![-----------------------------------------------------]( ## Hxn in action πŸš€ ***I'm using brave browser for all the demonstration. You can use any chromium based browsers.***   -
Take screenshots of single url πŸ”—   ```bash hxn -b $(which brave) -u ``` ![screenshot_2023-11-03_12-28-18](
Take screenshots of multiple urls πŸ“‚   ```bash hxn -b $(which brave) -f urls.txt ``` ![screenshot_2023-11-03_12-36-09](
Show fancy output βš™οΈ   ```bash hxn -b $(which brave) -f urls.txt --verbose ``` ![screenshot_2023-11-03_12-29-16](
Read urls from stdin βš“   ```bash cat urls.txt | hxn -b $(which brave) --stdin ``` ![stdin](
Define x/y dimentions πŸ€   ```bash cat urls.txt | hxn -b $(which brave) -x 144 -y 400 --stdin ``` ![dimention](
Define your ports ✳️   ```bash hxn -b $(which brave) -f urls.txt --ports 8080,8081 ``` ![screenshot_2024-01-09_20-36-27](
Arbitary javascript 🏺   ```bash hxn -b $(which brave) -u --javascript "javascript code here". ``` Screenshot 2024-06-20 at 13 52 00
hxn in termux 🐀   Install dependencies -   ```bash pkg install tur-repo -y ; pkg install chromium -y ln -s "$PREFIX/bin/chromium-browser" "$PREFIX/bin/chromium" ``` ![screenshot_2023-11-16_12-11-55](
## Benchmarking ⚑ The below is a comparison between similar project [`gowitness`](, tested on my [**pentium processor**]( ![]( ![-----------------------------------------------------]( ## Contribution 🀝 Contributions are welcome! You can suggest features, report bugs, fix issues via [issues]( or [pull requests]( Help with code documentation and spreading the word about `HAYLXON(hxn)` is appreciated! 😎 ## Support πŸ’Œ I am a student currently attending university. I like working for *Open Source* in my free time. If you find my tool or work beneficial, please consider supporting me via [*KO-FI*]( or [*ESEWA*](* (***Nepal only***), Or by leaving a star ⭐ ; I'll appreciate your action :) ## Also see πŸ‘€ - [`Kanha`]( :- A web-app pentesting suite written in rust πŸ¦€ - [`gowitness`]( :- A golang, web screenshot utility using Chrome Headless ## FAQ πŸ₯Ά - How do you use `hxn`? - I use hxn to automate tasks. For example, I needed to test a website on GitHub Actions before deploying. Using hxn, I took screenshots and uploaded it to [``]( to verify it met my requirements. - When i have a list of __sub(domains)__ to test. ## License πŸ” Licensed under the [**`MIT LICENSE`**](/LICENSE)

Copyright © 2023 - present pwnwriter xyz ☘️