py-why / EconML

ALICE (Automated Learning and Intelligence for Causation and Economics) is a Microsoft Research project aimed at applying Artificial Intelligence concepts to economic decision making. One of its goals is to build a toolkit that combines state-of-the-art machine learning techniques with econometrics in order to bring automation to complex causal inference problems. To date, the ALICE Python SDK (econml) implements orthogonal machine learning algorithms such as the double machine learning work of Chernozhukov et al. This toolkit is designed to measure the causal effect of some treatment variable(s) t on an outcome variable y, controlling for a set of features x.
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Error with method name for DMLIV #538

Closed juandavidgutier closed 11 months ago

juandavidgutier commented 3 years ago

Hi all, I am trying to run a model with DMLIV, of a binary treatment with CATE estimation. However, I have a problem calling the method_name. Additionally, there is any demo for DMLIV to I understand the method?

Here is my dataset: Data_Nino.csv

and here is my code:


importing required libraries

import os, warnings, random import dowhy import econml from dowhy import CausalModel import pandas as pd import numpy as np import econml from econml.iv.dml import NonParamDMLIV from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures from sklearn.linear_model import LassoCV from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor from econml.inference import BootstrapInference import numpy as np, scipy.stats as st import arviz as az

El Nino vs Neutral

data_nino = pd.read_csv("Data_Nino.csv", encoding='latin-1') data_nino = data_nino.dropna()

data_leish_nino = data_nino.drop(['Code.DANE.period'], axis=1) data_leish_nino.head() data_leish_nino = data_leish_nino.astype({"Treatment":'bool'}, copy=False)


Colombia_nino = data_leish_nino

Step 1: Modeling the causal mechanism

model_leish=CausalModel( data = Colombia_nino, treatment='Treatment', outcome='incidence100k', intrumental_variables='darwin', effect_modifiers='Forest', graph="digraph {darwin->Treatment;Treatment->incidence100k;Forest->incidence100k;}")

view model


Step 2: Identifying effects

identified_estimand_nino = model_leish.identify_effect(proceed_when_unidentifiable=True) print(identified_estimand_nino)

Step 3: Estimation of the effect

with DML

dml_estimate_nino = model_leish.estimate_effect(identified_estimand_nino, control_value=0, treatment_value=1, target_units = lambda Colombia_nino: Colombia_nino["Forest"]>1, # condition used for CATE


                                    'init_params': {'model_y_xw':GradientBoostingRegressor(),
                                                    'model_t_xw': GradientBoostingRegressor(),
                                                    'model_t_xwz': GradientBoostingRegressor(),
                                                    'featurizer': PolynomialFeatures(degree=1, include_bias=False),
                                                    'model_final': LassoCV(fit_intercept=False),
                                                    'discrete_treatment': True,
                                                    'cv': 5,
                                                    'random_state': 123},
                                    'fit_params': {}


dml_estimate_nino = model_leish.estimate_effect(identified_estimand_nino, control_value=0, treatment_value=1, target_units = 1, # condition used for CATE method_name="iv.econml.dml.DMLIV", method_params={ 'init_params': {'model_y_xw':GradientBoostingRegressor(), 'model_t_xw': GradientBoostingRegressor(), 'model_t_xwz': GradientBoostingRegressor(), 'featurizer': PolynomialFeatures(degree=1, include_bias=False), 'model_final': LassoCV(fit_intercept=False), 'discrete_treatment': True, 'cv': 5, 'random_state': 123}, 'fit_params': {} }) print(dml_estimate_nino)#los ITE estan en estimator/outcome

dml_estimate_nino = model_leish.estimate_effect(identified_estimand_nino, target_units = "ate", # condition used for CATE


                                    'init_params': {'model_y_xw':GradientBoostingRegressor(),
                                                    'model_t_xw': GradientBoostingRegressor(),
                                                    'model_t_xwz': GradientBoostingRegressor(),
                                                    'featurizer': PolynomialFeatures(degree=1, include_bias=False),
                                                    'model_final': LassoCV(fit_intercept=False),
                                                    'discrete_treatment': True,
                                                    'cv': 5,
                                                    'random_state': 123},
                                    'fit_params': {'inference': BootstrapInference(n_bootstrap_samples=25, n_jobs=-1),

print(dml_estimate_nino) `

kbattocchi commented 3 years ago

It looks like perhaps the method name is incorrect; instead of 'iv.econml.dml.DMLIV', try 'econml.iv.dml.dmliv'.

juandavidgutier commented 3 years ago

@kbattocchi I changed the line to: method_name="econml.iv.dml.dmliv", but I get this error message

ImportError: iv is not an existing causal estimator.

kbattocchi commented 3 years ago

Sorry, looks like you need to keep the estimation method ('iv') at the front even though it is also in the class's path. Try 'iv.econml.iv.dml.DMLIV'.

juandavidgutier commented 3 years ago

@kbattocchi Thanks a lot for the suggestion. However, I have a couple of errors when I want to refute the estimation, particularly adding a placebo I get this error: "UnboundLocalError: local variable 'refuter_class' referenced before assignment" and with an unobserved common cause, the first time that I run the line I get this error message: "ValueError: n_splits=5 cannot be greater than the number of members in each class" and the next times running the same line I get this error: "MemoryError: Unable to allocate 26.8 GiB for an array with shape (60024, 60023) and data type float64"

This is the data Data_Nino.csv

This is my code


importing required libraries

import os, warnings, random import dowhy import econml from dowhy import CausalModel import pandas as pd import numpy as np import econml from econml.iv.dml import NonParamDMLIV from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures from sklearn.linear_model import LassoCV from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor from econml.inference import BootstrapInference import numpy as np, scipy.stats as st import arviz as az import lightgbm as lgb import scipy.stats as stats

El Nino vs Neutral

data_nino = pd.read_csv("Data_Nino.csv", encoding='latin-1') data_nino = data_nino.dropna()

data_leish_nino = data_nino.drop(['Code.DANE.period'], axis=1) data_leish_nino.head() data_leish_nino = data_leish_nino.astype({"Treatment":'bool'}, copy=False)


Colombia_nino = data_leish_nino

transfor variables to sd units

Colombia_nino.darwin = stats.zscore(Colombia_nino.darwin) Colombia_nino.wpac850 = stats.zscore(Colombia_nino.wpac850)
Colombia_nino.Forest = stats.zscore(Colombia_nino.Forest)

Step 1: Modeling the causal mechanism

model_leish=CausalModel( data = Colombia_nino, treatment='Treatment', outcome='incidence100k', intrumental_variables=['darwin', 'wpac850'], effect_modifiers='Forest', graph="digraph {darwin->Treatment;wpac850->Treatment;Treatment->incidence100k;Forest->incidence100k;}")

view model


Step 2: Identifying effects

identified_estimand_nino = model_leish.identify_effect(proceed_when_unidentifiable=True) print(identified_estimand_nino)

Step 3: Estimation of the effect

with DML

dml_estimate_nino = model_leish.estimate_effect(identified_estimand_nino, control_value=0, treatment_value=1, target_units = lambda Colombia_nino: Colombia_nino["Forest"]>1, # condition used for CATE method_name="iv.econml.iv.dml.DMLIV", method_params={ 'init_params': {'model_y_xw': lgb.LGBMRegressor(), 'model_t_xw': lgb.LGBMClassifier(), 'model_t_xwz': lgb.LGBMClassifier(), 'featurizer': PolynomialFeatures(degree=3, include_bias=False), 'model_final': LassoCV(fit_intercept=False), 'discrete_treatment': True, 'cv': 5, 'random_state': 123}, 'fit_params': {} }) print(dml_estimate_nino)

dml_estimate_nino = model_leish.estimate_effect(identified_estimand_nino, control_value=0, treatment_value=1, target_units = 1, # condition used for CATE method_name="iv.econml.iv.dml.DMLIV", method_params={ 'init_params': {'model_y_xw': lgb.LGBMRegressor(), 'model_t_xw': lgb.LGBMClassifier(), 'model_t_xwz': lgb.LGBMClassifier(), 'featurizer': PolynomialFeatures(degree=3, include_bias=False), 'model_final': LassoCV(fit_intercept=False), 'discrete_treatment': True, 'cv': 5, 'random_state': 123}, 'fit_params': {} }) print(dml_estimate_nino)#los ITE estan en estimator/outcome

dml_estimate_nino = model_leish.estimate_effect(identified_estimand_nino, target_units = "ate", # condition used for CATE


                                    'init_params': {'model_y_xw': lgb.LGBMRegressor(),
                                                    'model_t_xw': lgb.LGBMClassifier(),
                                                    'model_t_xwz': lgb.LGBMClassifier(),
                                                    'featurizer': PolynomialFeatures(degree=3, include_bias=False),
                                                    'model_final': LassoCV(fit_intercept=False),
                                                    'discrete_treatment': True,
                                                    'cv': 5,
                                                    'random_state': 123},
                                    'fit_params': {'inference': BootstrapInference(n_bootstrap_samples=25, n_jobs=-1),


ATE El Nino

ate_Colombia_nino = dml_estimate_nino.value print(ate_Colombia_nino)

p-value El NIno

p_value_nino = dml_estimate_nino.test_stat_significance(method="bootstrap") print(p_value_nino)

confidence interval with boostrap El Nino

ci_Colombia_boost_nino = dml_estimate_nino.get_confidence_intervals(method="bootstrap", confidence_level=0.95, num_simulations=10, sample_size_fraction=0.7) print(ci_Colombia_boost_nino)

cate El Nino

cate_Colombia_nino = dml_estimate_nino.cate_estimates Q1Forest_Colombia = Colombia_nino['Quartile.Forest'] == 'Q1' mean_Q1Forest_Colombia_nino = Colombia_nino.loc[Q1Forest_Colombia, 'CATE'].mean() Q2Forest_Colombia = Colombia_nino['Quartile.Forest'] == 'Q2' mean_Q2Forest_Colombia_nino = Colombia_nino.loc[Q2Forest_Colombia, 'CATE'].mean() Q3Forest_Colombia = Colombia_nino['Quartile.Forest'] == 'Q3' mean_Q3Forest_Colombia_nino = Colombia_nino.loc[Q3Forest_Colombia, 'CATE'].mean() Q4Forest_Colombia = Colombia_nino['Quartile.Forest'] == 'Q4' mean_Q4Forest_Colombia_nino = Colombia_nino.loc[Q4Forest_Colombia, 'CATE'].mean() print(mean_Q1Forest_Colombia_nino, mean_Q2Forest_Colombia_nino, mean_Q3Forest_Colombia_nino, mean_Q4Forest_Colombia_nino)

Step 4: Refutations


with add unobserved common cause

How sensitive is the effect estimate when we add an additional common cause (confounder) to the dataset that is correlated with the treatment and the outcome? (Hint: It should not be too sensitive)

nino_unobserved_dml = model_leish.refute_estimate(identified_estimand_nino, dml_estimate_nino, method_name="add_unobserved_common_cause", confounders_effect_on_treatment="linear", confounders_effect_on_outcome="linear", effect_strength_on_treatment=0.05, effect_strength_on_outcome=0.5, random_state=123) print(nino_unobserved_dml)


with placebo

What happens to the estimated causal effect when we replace the true treatment variable with an independent random variable? (Hint: the effect should go to zero)

nino_placebo_dml = model_leish.refute_estimate(identified_estimand_nino, dml_estimate_nino, random_state=123, #placebo_type="permute", #method_name="placebo_treatment_refuter", num_simulations=10, placebo_type="permute") print(nino_placebo_dml) `