py-why / EconML

ALICE (Automated Learning and Intelligence for Causation and Economics) is a Microsoft Research project aimed at applying Artificial Intelligence concepts to economic decision making. One of its goals is to build a toolkit that combines state-of-the-art machine learning techniques with econometrics in order to bring automation to complex causal inference problems. To date, the ALICE Python SDK (econml) implements orthogonal machine learning algorithms such as the double machine learning work of Chernozhukov et al. This toolkit is designed to measure the causal effect of some treatment variable(s) t on an outcome variable y, controlling for a set of features x.
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Stability of ATE estimates #931

Open ankur-tutlani opened 5 days ago

ankur-tutlani commented 5 days ago

I have a situation where I am getting different ATE estimates with same input dataset and same random seed. If I run today the average ATE number is around 1. If I run after few hours, it increases to 4 or even more. This is for the same treatment (T1) and control value (T0) combination. What could be potentially wrong here? I have one confounder, one treatment and one outcome column. All are continuous. I tried manually passing folds in cv argument but still the stability of estimates is not there. I have tried passing input dataset in a specific order, but again results are not the same. I observed this with both DoubleML and Kernel DML. What should be changed here to get more stable ATE estimates?

from econml.dml import KernelDML
model_y = xgb.XGBRegressor(random_state=578,max_depth=3,n_estimators=100)
model_t = xgb.XGBRegressor(random_state=578,max_depth=3,n_estimators=100)

def get_folds(data1, n_splits=10):
    # Calculate the size of each fold
    fold_size = len(data1) // n_splits

    # Create a list to store the indices for each fold
    folds = []

    # Generate the folds
    for i in range(n_splits):
        start_index = i * fold_size
        if i == n_splits - 1:  # Last fold takes the remaining data
            end_index = len(data1)
            end_index = (i + 1) * fold_size
        test_indices = list(range(start_index, end_index))
        train_indices = list(range(0, start_index)) + list(range(end_index, len(data1)))
        folds.append((train_indices, test_indices))

    return folds

  class CustomCV:
    def __init__(self, folds):
        self.folds = folds

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.folds)

'common_causes2' contains one continuous variable.

for treatment_var in treatment_vars:
    for i in range(10):
        results = []

        for seed in [256344,196334,256154,190331,783475,206736,114695,414272,468332,147567]:

            data1_shuffled = data1.sample(frac=1, random_state=seed).reset_index(drop=True).copy()
            custom_cv = CustomCV(get_folds(data1_shuffled, n_splits=10))

            dml = KernelDML(model_y=model_y, model_t=model_t, discrete_treatment=False, random_state=seed, cv=custom_cv,mc_iters=10)
  ['Y'], T=data1_shuffled[[treatment_var]], X=data1_shuffled[common_causes2])
            dmlestimate = dml.ate(X=data1_shuffled[common_causes2], T0=median_dict[treatment_var]['control_value'],T1=median_dict[treatment_var]['treatment_value'])
        average_result = np.mean(results)

        foodb['treatment_var'] = treatment_var
        foodb['control_value'] = median_dict[treatment_var]['control_value']
        foodb['treatment_value'] = median_dict[treatment_var]['treatment_value']

For DoubleML using the following final model.

from econml.sklearn_extensions.linear_model import StatsModelsRLM

The average value differs a lot. Although there is not much variation in "results". E.g. sometimes I get "results" in the range from 1 to 3. Other times it increases to 8 to 9. that drives the "average_result" value to differ significantly among different runs. This is for the same treatment (T1) and control value (T0) combination. e.g. at one instance with T0=20, T1=25, average value shows 2, while after few hours with the same T0 and T1 values of 20 and 25 respectively, it shows the average value of 10. I am running this on databricks cluster. Is there anything wrong in the arguments specified above?


kbattocchi commented 4 days ago

I don't immediately see anything wrong; I'm not super familiar with DataBricks, but I wonder if maybe they don't guarantee that rows are returned in the same order, or if it's possible that additional rows are added over time?

ankur-tutlani commented 4 days ago

Thanks for response. I sorted the dataframe to ensure the order remains consistent before running DML or KernelDML.


I am not sure what you mean by additional rows are added over time? Can you clarify. data1is pandas dataframe.

One thing I observed is nuisance_scores_y and nuisance_scores_t are not consistent. Meaning if I run 10-fold cross validation along with 10 mc_iters, I expect the output (nuisance_scores_y and nuisance_scores_t ) should be a list with length of 10. But sometimes its 10, sometimes it's less than 10 like 3 or 7. Also, the values in the list elements (nuisance_scores_y and nuisance_scores_t ) vary significantly across different runs for the same seed and treatment and control combinations. What can explain this behavior?

kbattocchi commented 2 hours ago

That behavior is very strange: the nuisance scores should always be a nested list where the length of the outer list is mc_iters and the length of each element is the number of folds, and the logic which creates those lists is straightforward (and covered by our tests).