pyaf / DenseNet-MURA-PyTorch

Implementation of DenseNet model on Standford's MURA dataset using PyTorch
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densenet exploratory-data-analysis mura-dataset pytorch radiology standford-ml-group

DenseNet on MURA Dataset using PyTorch

A PyTorch implementation of 169 layer DenseNet model on MURA dataset, inspired from the paper arXiv:1712.06957v3 by Pranav Rajpurkar et al. MURA is a large dataset of musculoskeletal radiographs, where each study is manually labeled by radiologists as either normal or abnormal. know more

Important Points:

According to MURA dataset paper:

The model takes as input one or more views for a study of an upper extremity. On each view, our 169-layer convolutional neural network predicts the probability of abnormality. We compute the overall probability of abnormality for the study by taking the arithmetic mean of the abnormality probabilities output by the network for each image.

The model implemented in takes as input 'all' the views for a study of an upper extremity. On each view the model predicts the probability of abnormality. The Model computes the overall probability of abnormality for the study by taking the arithmetic mean of the abnormality probabilites output by the network for each image.


Install dependencies:

Train the model with python


   author = {{Rajpurkar}, P. and {Irvin}, J. and {Bagul}, A. and {Ding}, D. and 
  {Duan}, T. and {Mehta}, H. and {Yang}, B. and {Zhu}, K. and 
  {Laird}, D. and {Ball}, R.~L. and {Langlotz}, C. and {Shpanskaya}, K. and 
  {Lungren}, M.~P. and {Ng}, A.},
    title = "{MURA Dataset: Towards Radiologist-Level Abnormality Detection in Musculoskeletal Radiographs}",
  journal = {ArXiv e-prints},
archivePrefix = "arXiv",
   eprint = {1712.06957},
 primaryClass = "",
 keywords = {Physics - Medical Physics, Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence},
     year = 2017,
    month = dec,
   adsurl = {},
  adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}