pyarchinit / pyarchinitTranslate

Converter db sqlite from italian to english for each table and field choose
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DB sqlite convert Translator

`The provided code is a PyQt5-based graphical user interface (GUI) application that helps users to translate contents of SQLite databases using Google Translate. Here's a brief explanation of various parts of the code:

  1. Finestra is the main QWidget subclass that builds the main user interface including buttons, menus, table widgets, and progress bars.

  2. init_ui() method initializes the user interface components and connects the signal and slots for various actions like opening a database, saving a database, stopping a process, validating translations, and find and replace text.

  3. apri_database() method opens a file dialog to select a SQLite database file, connects to the database, and retrieves the table names from the database.

  4. visualizza_tabelle() method creates a QComboBox widget to show the available tables in the database and lets the user select one of them to display its data in the table widget.

  5. seleziona_tabella() method selects a table from the database, displays its data in the table widget, and adds checkboxes for users to select columns for translation.

  6. salva_database() method saves all changes made to the database and closes the connection.

  7. traduci_dati() method translates the data in the selected columns and shows the progress using a progress bar.

  8. verifica_traduzione() method is a helper function to check if the translation is valid by comparing the original text and the translated text.

  9. FindReplaceDialog is a QDialog subclass that creates a dialog with find and replace controls.

The program can be run by executing the provided script. It will display the main window where users can open an SQLite database, select a table, choose columns for translation, translate data, and save the changes back to the database. Additionally, users can validate translations and perform find and replace operations on the data displayed in the table widget.`