pydio / cells-android-client

Pydio Cells Android Application
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Automatic photo backup for Android #31

Open koseduhemak opened 1 year ago

koseduhemak commented 1 year ago

Hi there,

I just started using Pydio! Quick question: Is it planned to have a photo backup feature (like e.g. in Nextcloud), which uploads a photo on creation directly to the server?

Thank you!

Best wishes, koseduhemak

bsinou commented 1 year ago


I do not use Nextcloud ;) ... So could you please precise / specify in further details the feature as you would like to have it in the app?

We are currently migrating to Jetpack Compose - after a break in development while focusing on the new v4 version of the server, sorry for the late answer - and improving the app. Typically the "share with pydio" feature should be much better, and provide a good starting point to implement "your" feature.

I cannot promise if / when it will be done, but having solid specification ready should push in the right direction.

Anyway, welcome to the community and happy file sharing.

imDema commented 1 year ago

Hi, I think in its most basic form, it could be the possibility to set a folder for automatic one-way sync.

This could leverage the Keep offline functionality. The added value would be the possibility to automatically have all files backed up to the server and being able to retrieve them on demand from the device without having to allocate the storage for all the synced files