pydio / cells-android-client

Pydio Cells Android Application
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Cells Client for Android

Pydio Cells Android application is a light Android Client to manage your files on your Android Device.

A custom Android app, why?

On your Android device, you can use any web browser to directly interact with your distant Cells server with "usual" user interface. The web application is reactive and can be easily used like you would do from your personal computer, only on a smaller screen.

With a limited subset of features, the Android application can yet prove to be useful because it has been optimized for mobile usage:

Built with

For the v3 version, we have re-written the Android application from scratch, using Kotlin and latest Android libraries, e.g. Androidx and Jetpack.

The main third party libraries that we rely upon are:


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and for details on the process for submitting pull requests to us. You can find a comprehensive Developer Guide on our website. Our online docs are open-source as well, feel free to improve them by contributing!

We are also looking for help to translate the Cells interface in various languages. It is really easy to participate: just navigate to our page in the Crowdin translation tool, create an account and get started.


Warning: the procedure described below is not "backward" compatible:
you will have to un-install and fully re-install the application to be able to have the current main released version on your device. Handle with care!

Beta testing from the store

You can test beta version by registering as a beta tester in the Play Store. After a few minutes, you should be able to update and run the latest beta version.

You can directly opt-in:

Once you have opt-in to be a beta tester, it might seem difficult to opt out and start again to use the app as a normal user. To do so:

Build and test from Android Studio

Please refer to the developer corner in the same repository.