pylessard / python-udsoncan

Python implementation of UDS (ISO-14229) standard.
MIT License
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Adding parameter to Communication Control Service(0x28) #216

Closed ichbinbork closed 4 months ago

ichbinbork commented 4 months ago


First of all its not a issue, this is a question about modifying udsoncan library.

As I see you haven't add the "nodeIdentificationNumber" parameter for Communication Control service. I need this parameter for my project. Before forking and diving into library I wanted suggestions from you. Ofc I can do it in a manual way but I want to save some time. If I'm successful, you can be sure I'll open a PR

Best regards.

pylessard commented 4 months ago

If there is a feature missing, I can implement. Do you have details? I will look at the standard during the weekend to see what's missing

pylessard commented 4 months ago

I reviewed the doc. This parameter has been introduced in the 2013 version of the standard. My initial version of this lib was based on the 2006 version, I never noticed this was added and nobody asked for it. I will implement during the weekend, I will have time

pylessard commented 4 months ago

I have started the work here :

It's untested

ichbinbork commented 4 months ago

Yes, I can imagine that this is a kind of niche parameter to be used. The main reason why I need this parameter is that I have such a prototype architecture image Suppose I have three CAN subnets under one ECU as shown in the picture. I need this parameter to control the Rx Tx of each CAN line. Also this parameter needs to be two bits because some ECUs have 3 of them.

It is off-topic right now but I am thinking of adding a new session in the coming days. According to 14229-1 image I can define private sessions between 0x40 and 0x3F. Can you also give instructions (best practices) on this?

Sincerely regards

pylessard commented 4 months ago

I see. You will have enough bits, the parameter is 16 bits

I don't think there is best practices for adding a session. Or I'm not aware of any. Just pick a number

ichbinbork commented 4 months ago

As I said adding a session is not relative to this topic. I want to prepare the base for future projects. That why I want to create separate OEM specific sessions.

pylessard commented 4 months ago

Implementation is complete. Wanna try this branch : add_node_id_number_to_comm_control ?

ichbinbork commented 4 months ago

It seems okay here is the log:


I appreciate this modification but I also want to create a custom session. Could you give directions about it?


pylessard commented 4 months ago

Hi, good news, thank you For the session, there is nothing to do on the client side. All the work happens on the server side. Just do



pylessard commented 4 months ago

Available in release 1.23.0