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Some packages not showing up when searching by name #326

Closed ewdurbin closed 8 years ago

ewdurbin commented 9 years ago

Originally reported by: MattDMo (Bitbucket: MattDMo, GitHub: MattDMo)

Some packages are not showing up in the search results, even though entering the URL directly works. For example:

Search: pandas

Direct: pandas

Search: patsy

Direct: patsy

Search: pytz

Direct: pytz

Search: prettytable

Direct: prettytable

Search: alabaster

Direct: alabaster

Search: blaze

Direct: blaze

Search: bottleneck

Direct: bottleneck

Search: biopython

Direct: biopython

Search: cherrypy

Direct: cherrypy

Search: django

Direct: django

Search: ipython

Direct: ipython

Search: mahotas (redirects to SeedWaterSegmenter)

Direct: mahotas

And there are many more. I can't find any rhyme or reason to what is found and what isn't.

ewdurbin commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Danny Lessio (Bitbucket: dannylessio, GitHub: dannylessio):

Want to advise you that Issue #397 has been raised for the same reason. So, since this is marked as resolved, please put your comments there. Thanks.

ewdurbin commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Fred Stluka (Bitbucket: fredstluka, GitHub: fredstluka):

Yeah, same problem here. But I get a much more accurate answer from the script I found here:


[Repeated this comment at Issue #397. --Fred]

ewdurbin commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Chris Maloney (Bitbucket: klortho, GitHub: klortho):

I hate to pile on, but search is a pretty important function for a package registry! Thanks!

ewdurbin commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Stefano Miccoli (Bitbucket: miccoli, GitHub: miccoli):

PyPI search is thoroughly broken: both web search and pip search return old, outdated, inconsistent results for a lot of packages. E.g.:


$ pip search pyownet
pyownet (0.9.0)  - Python OWFS client library (owserver protocol)
  INSTALLED: 0.10.0
  LATEST:    0.9.0

Fortunately pip install installs latest version (0.10.0), but PyPI search is convinced that latest version is 0.9.0: maybe search DB is not updated correctly?

Please re-open. Thanks.

ewdurbin commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Babak Farrokhi (Bitbucket: farrokhi, GitHub: farrokhi):

Seems like almost every new package is suffering from this problem and no one knows what is going on. On a related note, is PyPI dead (from an active-development perspective)?

ewdurbin commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Jairo Llopis (Bitbucket: yajo, GitHub: yajo):

Same problem with acme-tiny.

ewdurbin commented 8 years ago

Original comment by thomas_haslwanter (Bitbucket: thomas_haslwanter, GitHub: Unknown):

I have the same problem, with thLib: it shows up under "Your packages". But when I try under under "search Package Index", only old, broken links show up. (OK, I really did screw up by breaking those links in the first place. But the point is that the current, working links are NOT found!)

ewdurbin commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Lucas Magasweran (Bitbucket: lucasrangit, GitHub: lucasrangit):

I think you meant @LucaRebuffi .

ewdurbin commented 8 years ago

Original comment by anatoly techtonik (Bitbucket: techtonik, GitHub: techtonik):

@lucasrangit looks like all developers who were capable to solve this problem resigned from PyPI maintenance. Feel free to create a new issue.

ewdurbin commented 8 years ago

Original comment by mkleehammer (Bitbucket: mkleehammer, GitHub: mkleehammer):

Same with pyodbc. Please re-open. Thanks.

ewdurbin commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Danny Lessio (Bitbucket: dannylessio, GitHub: dannylessio):

Dear All, I'm experiencing the same problem with the RTK-handler package. Bug must be Re-open. Thanks.

ewdurbin commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Luca Rebuffi (Bitbucket: lucarebuffi, GitHub: lucarebuffi):

Dear Anatoly, Even if I understand how huge is the contribution of all the developers of Pypi and Python, I don't catch the link with the fact that there is a bug! In my case, I signalled this bug several months ago, and, as I can see, it is still not fixed, and severly compromizing the usability of Pypi. I think it is in the interest of the developers to signal malfunctions, not an emtpy criticism to hard-working people.

ewdurbin commented 8 years ago

Original comment by anatoly techtonik (Bitbucket: techtonik, GitHub: techtonik):

PyPI development is not funded, so all free time that people could allocate for maintenance goes into project.

ewdurbin commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Luca Rebuffi (Bitbucket: lucarebuffi, GitHub: lucarebuffi):

This bug is not resolved, my packages with the keyword "oasys" are still non visibile with a search (only a huge list of deleted old versions are visible). Even if I do a direct search with the package name the result is inconsistent. Please fix it, this is a SEVERE problem, compromising the usability of my pip-based self-upgrading application!

ewdurbin commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Jacques de Hooge (Bitbucket: JdeH, GitHub: JdeH):

I am still having the same trouble, has been the case for at least weeks, but probably even months. Keyword search doesn't show my packages Transcrypt (only very old versions are shown, but the results shown are dead links) and Numscrypt (not shown at all). Direct link and pip install both work.

ewdurbin commented 8 years ago

Original comment by theyoungsoul (Bitbucket: theyoungsoul, GitHub: Unknown):

I too am still having the same issue. Please re-open.

The packages I am searching for are: pyalexa-skill and PyParticleIO and neither are found

ewdurbin commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Justin Blake (Bitbucket: blaix, GitHub: blaix):

I was wondering why my tdubs package wasn't showing up via search and assumed at the time it was because it was new. But that was months ago and I just checked and it's still not showing up, and then found this issue. I was surprised to see it was marked resolved. There's definitely still a problem with search.

ewdurbin commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Ayush Goel (Bitbucket: ayushgoel, GitHub: ayushgoel):

Same issue for mstranslator-2016. Even an exact string search is not able to find it.

ewdurbin commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Gennady Aleksandrov (Bitbucket: slimsuperhero, GitHub: Unknown):

Please reopen this issue. Same problem again and again:

ewdurbin commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Claudio Omar Melendrez Baeza (Bitbucket: kako-nawao, GitHub: kako-nawao):

Yep, I confirm it's still broken since there are several packages we use and can install properly with pip and are not displayed in the search. Search engines (G, DDG) do return the expected results, go figure.

ewdurbin commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Wei Jie Koh (Bitbucket: electionairewb, GitHub: Unknown):

Please re-open this - pip search version-merger doesn't work, even though it's listed in

ewdurbin commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Joe Smith (Bitbucket: CuppaJoe, GitHub: CuppaJoe):

Yes, searching is still broken and the issue needs to be re-opened. Searching for setuptools returns only versions up to 19.6.2. But clicking on that version and manually editing the URL to shows an actual later version.

Also, for each package search results should be sorted with latest version first instead of appearing in random order - in this case 19.1.1, 19.1, 19.4.1, 19.6.2, 19.6.1, 19.2, 19.4, 19.3, 19.5, 19.0, 18.7, 19.6, 18.8, 18.5, 18.8.1, ...

ewdurbin commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Indranil Sinharoy (Bitbucket: indranil_leo, GitHub: Unknown):

Please reopen this issue. I submitted a package (PyZOS) couple of days back. The direct link ( works perfectly. It is also listed in the package index at However, searching the package from from the pypi website and using pip search pyzos fails.

ewdurbin commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Piotr Dobrogost (Bitbucket: Piotr_Dobrogost, GitHub: Unknown):

Searching for kotti_navigation brings no results – However, the package is present at

Please reopen.

ewdurbin commented 8 years ago

Original comment by skontar (Bitbucket: skontar, GitHub: skontar):

@azazel75 I am guessing that we need a new one. It does not seem anyone noticed and anyone monitors closed bugs.

ewdurbin commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Hicham Janati (Bitbucket: JanatiH, GitHub: JanatiH):

Same problem with my package pyldpc.

ewdurbin commented 8 years ago

Original comment by azazel75 (Bitbucket: azazel75, GitHub: azazel75):

Does someone with the power of doing a reindex is still reading this bug or we should open a new one?

ewdurbin commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Bernard Ojengwa (Bitbucket: ojengwa, GitHub: ojengwa):

I am having same problems with my packages:

ibu, paystack and ni

ewdurbin commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Giulia Vergottini (Bitbucket: Railslide, GitHub: Railslide):

Same here (subvenv)

GUI and pip search yield nothing, direct link works

ewdurbin commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Jeroen van der heijden (Bitbucket: joente, GitHub: joente):

Same problem with my packages. (trender and pyleri)

ewdurbin commented 8 years ago

Original comment by azazel75 (Bitbucket: azazel75, GitHub: azazel75):

my package metapensiero.reactive has the same problem

ewdurbin commented 8 years ago

Original comment by skontar (Bitbucket: skontar, GitHub: skontar):

I have the same problem with cvss library. Search for cvss does not list it, neither does pip search cvss. However it can be installed by pip install cvss. It also exists at .

ewdurbin commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Thomas Feldmann (Bitbucket: tfeldmann, GitHub: tfeldmann):

I have the same problem with the package tryagain.

pip search tryagain yields nothing, but pip install tryagain works. Searching for tryagain on pypi yields no results.

ewdurbin commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Kristen Thyng (Bitbucket: kthyng, GitHub: kthyng):

I am having this problem now, for my package cmocean. I can pip install it, but I can't find it when I search for it on pypi or with pip search cmocean. Direct link works:

ewdurbin commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Alessandro Molina (Bitbucket: amol, GitHub: Unknown):

Not totally sure this got solved, it looks to me that when searching by name some packages appear multiple times and some list even releases that do not exist.


tgapp-calendarevents appears 3 times and if you click on "tgapp-calendarevents 0.1.6" it leads to a 404 as that release actually doesn't exist.

ewdurbin commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Christian Theune (Bitbucket: ctheune, GitHub: ctheune):

Yeah, I wondered the same. Looks better to me, now.

ewdurbin commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Peter Brittain (Bitbucket: peter_brittain, GitHub: Unknown):

Looks like the recent outage due to a corrupt DB required a full rebuild, which has fixed the problem for me.

ewdurbin commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Christian Theune (Bitbucket: ctheune, GitHub: ctheune):

pycountry is being found again, but "batou" is now missing ("batou_scm" is showing up, though).

This smells funny. :)

ewdurbin commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Neile Havens (Bitbucket: neile_havens, GitHub: Unknown):

Search is working again for nltk.

ewdurbin commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Christian Theune (Bitbucket: ctheune, GitHub: ctheune):

And for pycountry it's borken, too. :(

@dstufft - anything I could help with?

ewdurbin commented 9 years ago

Original comment by MusiKernel Team (Bitbucket: j3ffhubb, GitHub: j3ffhubb):

Unfortunately, it stopped working for simplecf again, it's back to not showing up at all in searches for "simplecf"

ewdurbin commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Justin Black (Bitbucket: justin_black, GitHub: Unknown):

Search is broken for package pycalculix too.

ewdurbin commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Richard P (Bitbucket: richard_p_deedasmi, GitHub: Unknown):

Search still broken for my package at least.



ewdurbin commented 9 years ago

Original comment by MusiKernel Team (Bitbucket: j3ffhubb, GitHub: j3ffhubb):

The problem is partially fixed since yesterday, searching now works, but it shows 1.0.2 as the latest version instead of 1.1.0 (both versions were supposed to be visible). I tried to manually hide 1.0.2 and the settings reverted back to "Hide":"No" for both 1.1.0 and 1.0.2 after the page refreshed.

pip search simplecf ... simplecf - Templating system for AWS Cloudformation INSTALLED: 1.1.0 LATEST: 1.0.2

ewdurbin commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Donald Stufft (Bitbucket: dstufft, GitHub: dstufft):

I'm aware of the problem and will be trying to fix it soon.

ewdurbin commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Neile Havens (Bitbucket: neile_havens, GitHub: Unknown):

Same problem for nltk.



For what it's worth, nltk does show up in the package index:

ewdurbin commented 9 years ago

Original comment by mouad (Bitbucket: mouad, GitHub: mouad):

Probably related also, but searching for "lymph" ( send you instead to

ewdurbin commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Jamie Duby (Bitbucket: jtduby, GitHub: jtduby):

Bleach is not showing up either.



ewdurbin commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Alessandro Molina (Bitbucket: amol, GitHub: Unknown):

Probably same as

ewdurbin commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Edwin Grubbs (Bitbucket: egrubbs, GitHub: egrubbs):

python-dateutil does not show up, and if you search for dateutil, it shows py-dateutil, which is a different package.

