pyramation / inflection

inflection is a port of the functionality from Ruby on Rails' Active Support Inflection classes into PostgreSQL
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inflection is a port of the functionality from Ruby on Rails' Active Support Inflection classes into PostgreSQL


select inflection.plural( 'child' );
-- children

select inflection.singular( 'children' );
-- child

select inflection.camel( 'message_properties' );
-- messageProperties

select inflection.pascal( 'web acl' );
-- WebAcl

select inflection.underscore( 'WebACL' );
-- web_acl


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start the postgres db process

First you'll want to start the postgres docker (you can also just use docker-compose up -d):

make up

install modules

Install modules

yarn install

install the Postgres extensions

Now that the postgres process is running, install the extensions:

make install

This basically sshs into the postgres instance with the packages/ folder mounted as a volume, and installs the bundled sql code as pgxn extensions.


Testing will load all your latest sql changes and create fresh, populated databases for each sqitch module in packages/.

yarn test:watch

building new modules

Create a new folder in packages/

lql init

Then, run a generator:

lql generate

You can also add arguments if you already know what you want to do:

lql generate schema --schema myschema
lql generate table --schema myschema --table mytable

deploy code as extensions

cd into packages/<module>, and run lql package. This will make an sql file in packages/<module>/sql/ used for CREATE EXTENSION calls to install your sqitch module as an extension.

recursive deploy

You can also deploy all modules utilizing versioning as sqtich modules. Remove --createdb if you already created your db:

lql deploy awesome-db --yes --recursive --createdb