pyronear /

Website of Pyronear
Apache License 2.0
5 stars 10 forks source link
deep-learning jekyll raspberry-pi wildfire


Pyronear's official website.

Preserving forests from wildfires one commit at a time

Serving with docker

Make sure you have docker and the compose plugin installed. Get into the root folder using your favorite shell and:

docker compose up

That's it! Now head to http://{your-server}:4000

You can stop (ctrl+C) and relaunch the command to refresh the website after changing the _config.yml file.


Be sure to set Jekyll up and running, and then install the plugins as follows:

bundle install


Finally, you can run the website using:

bundle exec jekyll serve

To edit/add/remove text, go to _config.yaml.


This website uses a Google spreadsheet with a Google script in order to sends and receive emails without the need to setup a server.

The file is stored in Pyronear's Google Drive.

More details here


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

Adding a language

Congrats, you've added a new language!