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Management of Questions & Answers / Quizzes & Exams #17

Open jreades opened 7 years ago

jreades commented 7 years ago

Ability to import answers/code after the fact?

E.g. if you don't give 100% working code how do you manage changes over time?

jreades commented 7 years ago

SciPy people might have something with CSS hiding answers (SciPy lecture notes).

Not keen on customising iPython:

jreades commented 7 years ago

Python Challenge:

jreades commented 7 years ago

Exercise and Exercise2 notebook extensions:

Activate from command line:

conda install -c conda-forge jupyter_contrib_nbextensions
jupyter nbextension enable rubberband/main
jupyter nbextension enable exercise2/main

Viewable via: localhost:8888/nbextensions

jreades commented 7 years ago

Or (thinking back to Perl-like interpolation):

answer = {{foo}}/bar

{{foo}} is replaced by {{X}} and the value of foo saved to an answers file (or in a hidden cell) from which it can be read in later.

Could work with, say, an answer passphrase to unlock the results.

jreades commented 7 years ago

Leave for later. Messy.