pysal / geopyter

GeoPyTeR: Geographical Python Teaching Resource
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GeoPyTeR: Geographical Python Teaching Resource



GeoPyTer is a project to support open source geospatial education using Python.


The philosophy of GeoPyTeR is that the value added that a geoeducator brings to their course rests in their perspective on the topic at hand.

At the core of GeoPyTeR are atoms which represent thematic content on a particular geospatial topic in the form of Jupyter notebooks. The atoms form the building blocks for modules, or lectures, that can be formed through a mash-up of atoms. Modules, in turn, can be combined to compose a course. The articulation of an instructor's perspective is in the composition of specific atoms the instructor selects for a module together with the narrative that integrates the atoms to construct the lecture.


  1. Foundations (of Programming)
    • Getting Started
    • Basics (Variables)
    • Conditions
    • Debugging
    • Iteration
    • Lists
    • Dictionaries
    • Functions
    • Libraries
    • Classes & Methods
  2. Reading & Writing (Unix File I/O)
  3. Charts & Graphs
  4. Standardisation & Transformation
  5. Non-Spatial Inferential Statistics
  6. Non-Spatial Bayesian Statistics
  7. Maps
  8. Point Pattern Analysis
  9. Zonal Analysis
  10. Raster Analysis
  11. Non-Spatial Clustering
  12. Spatial Clustering
  13. Machine Learning
  14. Network Analysis
  15. ABMs & CAs
  16. GWR
  17. Hierarchical Modelling



We invite any interested educator, researcher or developer to join the project. The content and structure of this teaching project itself is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 license, and the contributing source code is licensed under The MIT License.