.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/sjsrey/pysal_examples.svg?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/sjsrey/pysal_examples
Example data sets and helper functions for PySAL
This module is pre-alpha and is part of a refactoring of PySAL <https://github.com/pysal/pysal/wiki/PEP-13:-Refactor-PySAL-Using-Submodules>
In [1]: import pysal_examples
In [2]: pysal_examples.available()
In [3]: pysal_examples.explain('baltim')
{'description': 'Baltimore house sales prices and hedonics',
'explanation': ['* baltim.dbf attribute data',
'* baltim.shp shape file',
'* baltim.shx spatial index file',
'* baltim.tri.k12.kwt Kernel weights using a triangular kernel with 12 neares',
' neighbors',
'* baltim_k4.gwt Nearest neighbor weights (4nn)',
'* baltim_q.gal Queen contiguity file',
'* baltimore.geojson',
'Point data, n=211, k= 17.'],
'name': 'baltim'}
In [4]: pysal_examples.get_path('baltim.shp')
Out[4]: '/home/serge/Documents/p/pysal/src/pysal-reorg/pysal-examples/pysal_examples/baltim/baltim.shp'