pythag / pc-60fw-esp32-logger

An Arduino sketch to read blood oxygen saturation and pulse rate from a PC-60FW Bluetooth Oximeter, store readings in flash, then display them in a web browser.
MIT License
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An Arduino sketch for ESP32 that uses Bluetooth to communicate with a PC-60FW BLE Pulse Oximeter and logs readings in flash.

If you have an ESP32 board with wired Ethernet present (e.g. the Olimex ESP32-Gateway board) then compile with:

'#define ETHENABLED 1'

Then the Ethernet connection will be used to set the internal clock from NTP (to timestamp results) and provide a web interface for viewing the stored data.

On boards with no Ethernet port, the data stored is dumped to the serial console at every boot.

NOTE: As far as I can tell it is not possible to run BLE and Wifi at the same time on an ESP32 due to a shared RF frontend. If anybody knows different please submit a patch / PR!

It's also worth noting that after the BLE device disconnects the ESP32 is rebooted - this is because I couldn't find a way of getting it to reliably listen again for connections. Suggestions to fix this a welcome!

See my other repositories for a UDP streaming version and a LoraWan version.

Also standard disclaimer: Whilst this does touch on medical applications it comes with no warranty. It is intended for educational purposes only!

