python-trio / trio-typing

Type hints for Trio and related projects
27 stars 13 forks source link

.. image:: :target: :alt: Latest PyPI version

.. image:: :target: :alt: Automated test status

.. image:: :target: :alt: Code style: black

.. image:: :target: :alt: Checked with mypy

trio-typing: static typing for Trio and related projects

This repository provides:

Supported platforms

Like Trio, we require Python 3.7 or later. Both PyPy and CPython are
supported at runtime, but type checking must occur on CPython (due to
limitations of mypy).  We test on Linux using the latest releases
from the 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10 branches. We're
not knowingly doing anything OS-specific, so other OSes should work

Type checkers other than mypy are not supported, but might work.
Experience reports and patches to add support are welcome.


runtime only

Install with::

pip install trio-typing

Then import some typing names from trio_typing, like TaskStatus; see below for more details.

with mypy support

Install trio-typing with mypy extras::

pip install trio-typing[mypy]

Note that due to recent plugin API changes, trio-typing 0.10.0+ requires mypy 1.0+.

Enable the plugin in your mypy.ini::

plugins = trio_typing.plugin

Start running mypy on your Trio code!

NOTE: trio-typing is the correct dependency to list in the requirements of your own library using the trio_typing module. Don't use trio-typing[mypy], since that would needlessly add a mypy dependency to every app having a transitive dependency on your library.

What's in the box?

The stubs packages provide types for all public non-deprecated APIs of
``trio``, ``outcome``, and ``async_generator``, as of the release date
of the corresponding ``trio-typing`` distribution. You don't need to
explicitly configure these; just say ``import trio`` (for example)
and mypy will know to look in ``trio-stubs`` for the type information.

The ``trio_typing`` package provides:

* ``TaskStatus[T]``, the type of the object passed as the ``task_status``
  argument to a task started with ``nursery.start()``. The type parameter
  ``T`` is the type of the value the task provides to be returned from
  ``nursery.start()``. This is implemented as an ABC, and the actual
  private types inside Trio are registered as virtual subclasses
  of it. So, you can't instantiate ``trio_typing.TaskStatus``, but
  ``isinstance(task_status, trio_typing.TaskStatus)`` where ``task_status``
  is a Trio task status object does return True.

* (Previous versions of ``trio_typing`` provided an analogous ABC for
  ``Nursery``, but the actual class is available as ``trio.Nursery`` as of
  Trio 0.12.0; you should use that instead.)

* A backport of ``typing.AsyncGenerator[YieldT, SendT]`` to Python 3.5.
  (``YieldT`` is the type of values yielded by the generator, and
  ``SendT`` is the type of values it accepts as an argument to ``asend()``.)
  This is an abstract class describing the async generator interface:
  ``AsyncIterator`` plus ``asend``, ``athrow``, ``aclose``, and the
  ``ag_*`` introspection attributes. On 3.6+, ``trio_typing.AsyncGenerator``
  is just a reexport of ``typing.AsyncGenerator``.

* ``CompatAsyncGenerator[YieldT, SendT, ReturnT]``,
  a name for the otherwise-anonymous concrete async generator type
  returned by ``@async_generator`` functions. It is a subtype of
  ``AsyncGenerator[YieldT, SendT]`` and provides the same methods.
  (Native async generators don't have a ``ReturnT``; it is only relevant
  in determining the return type of ``await async_generator.yield_from_()``.)

* A few types that are only useful with the mypy plugin: ``YieldType[T]``,
  ``SendType[T]``, and the decorator ``@takes_callable_and_args``.

The ``trio_typing.plugin`` mypy plugin provides:

* Inference of more specific ``trio.open_file()`` and ````
  return types based on constant ``mode`` and ``buffering`` arguments, so
  ``await trio.open_file("foo", "rb", 0)`` returns an unbuffered async
  file object in binary mode and ``await trio.open_file("bar")`` returns
  an async file object in text mode

* Boilerplate reduction for functions that take parameters ``(fn, *args)``
  and ultimately invoke ``fn(*args)``: just write::

      from mypy_extensions import VarArg

      def start_soon(
          async_fn: Callable[[VarArg()], Awaitable[T]],
          *args: Any,
          other_keywords: str = are_ok_too,
          # your implementation here

  ``start_soon(async_fn, *args)`` will raise an error if ``async_fn(*args)``
  would do so. You can also make the callable take some non-splatted
  arguments; the ``*args`` get inserted at whatever position in the
  argument list you write ``VarArg()``.

  The above example will always fail when the plugin is not being
  used. If you want to always pass in such cases, you can use a union::

      def start_soon(
          async_fn: Union[
              Callable[..., Awaitable[T]],
              Callable[[VarArg()], Awaitable[T]],
          *args: Any,
          other_keywords: str = are_ok_too,
          # your implementation here

  Without the plugin, this type-checks fine (and allows inference of
  ``T``), since any callable will match the ``Callable[...,
  Awaitable[T]]`` option. With the plugin, the entire union will be
  replaced with specific argument types.

  Note: due to mypy limitations, we only support a maximum of 5
  positional arguments, and keyword arguments can't be passed in this way;
  ``nursery.start_soon(functools.partial(...))`` will pass the type checker
  but won't be able to actually check the argument types.

* Mostly-full support for type checking ``@async_generator`` functions.
  You write the decorated function as if it returned a union of its actual
  return type, its yield type wrapped in ``YieldType[]``, and its send
  type wrapped in ``SendType[]``::

      from trio_typing import YieldType, SendType
      async def sleep_and_sqrt() -> Union[None, SendType[int], YieldType[float]]:
          next_yield = 0.0
          while True:
              amount = await yield_(next_yield)  # amount is an int
              if amount < 0:
                  return None
              await trio.sleep(amount)
              next_yield = math.sqrt(amount)

      # prints: CompatAsyncGenerator[float, int, None]

  Calls to ``yield_`` and ``yield_from_`` inside an ``@async_generator``
  function are type-checked based on these declarations. If you leave
  off *either* the yield type or send type, the missing one is assumed
  to be ``None``; if you leave off *both* (writing just
  ``async def sleep_and_sqrt() -> None:``, like you would if you weren't
  using the plugin), they're both assumed to be ``Any``.

  Note the explicit ``return None``; mypy won't accept ``return`` or
  falling off the end of the function, unless you run it with


Running the tests

``trio-typing`` comes with a fairly extensive testsuite; it doesn't test all
the mechanical parts of the stubs, but does exercise most of the interesting
plugin behavior. You can run it after installing, with::

    pytest -p trio_typing._tests.datadriven --pyargs trio_typing


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