pytorch / torcheval

A library that contains a rich collection of performant PyTorch model metrics, a simple interface to create new metrics, a toolkit to facilitate metric computation in distributed training and tools for PyTorch model evaluations.
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**This library is currently in Alpha and currently does not have a stable release. The API may change and may not be backward compatible. If you have suggestions for improvements, please open a GitHub issue. We'd love to hear your feedback.** A library that contains a rich collection of performant PyTorch model metrics, a simple interface to create new metrics, a toolkit to facilitate metric computation in distributed training and tools for PyTorch model evaluations. ## Installing TorchEval Requires Python >= 3.8 and PyTorch >= 1.11 From pip: ```bash pip install torcheval ``` For nighly build version ```bash pip install --pre torcheval-nightly ``` From source: ```bash git clone cd torcheval pip install -r requirements.txt python install ``` ## Quick Start Take a look at the [quickstart notebook](, or fork it on [Colab]( There are more examples in the [examples]( directory: ```bash cd torcheval python examples/ ``` ## Documentation Documentation can be found at at []( ## Using TorchEval TorchEval can be run on CPU, GPU, and in a multi-process or multi-GPU setting. Metrics are provided in two interfaces, functional and class based. The functional interfaces can be found in `torcheval.metrics.functional` and are useful when your program runs in a single process setting. To use multi-process or multi-gpu configurations, the class-based interfaces, found in `torcheval.metrics` provide a much simpler experience. The class based interfaces also allow you to defer some of the computation of the metric by calling `update()` multiple times before `compute()`. This can be advantageous even in a single process setting due to saved computation overhead. ### Single Process For use in a single process program, the simplest use case utilizes a functional metric. We simply import the metric function and feed in our outputs and targets. The example below shows a minimal PyTorch training loop that evaluates the multiclass accuracy of every fourth batch of data. #### Functional Version (immediate computation of metric) ```python import torch from torcheval.metrics.functional import multiclass_accuracy NUM_BATCHES = 16 BATCH_SIZE = 8 INPUT_SIZE = 10 NUM_CLASSES = 6 eval_frequency = 4 model = torch.nn.Sequential(torch.nn.Linear(INPUT_SIZE, NUM_CLASSES), torch.nn.ReLU()) optim = torch.optim.Adagrad(model.parameters(), lr=0.001) loss_fn = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss() metric_history = [] for batch in range(NUM_BATCHES): input = torch.rand(size=(BATCH_SIZE, INPUT_SIZE)) target = torch.randint(size=(BATCH_SIZE,), high=NUM_CLASSES) outputs = model(input) loss = loss_fn(outputs, target) optim.zero_grad() loss.backward() optim.step() # metric only computed every 4 batches, # data from previous three batches is lost if (batch + 1) % eval_frequency == 0: metric_history.append(multiclass_accuracy(outputs, target)) ``` ### Single Process with Deferred Computation #### Class Version (enables deferred computation of metric) ```python import torch from torcheval.metrics import MulticlassAccuracy NUM_BATCHES = 16 BATCH_SIZE = 8 INPUT_SIZE = 10 NUM_CLASSES = 6 eval_frequency = 4 model = torch.nn.Sequential(torch.nn.Linear(INPUT_SIZE, NUM_CLASSES), torch.nn.ReLU()) optim = torch.optim.Adagrad(model.parameters(), lr=0.001) loss_fn = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss() metric = MulticlassAccuracy() metric_history = [] for batch in range(NUM_BATCHES): input = torch.rand(size=(BATCH_SIZE, INPUT_SIZE)) target = torch.randint(size=(BATCH_SIZE,), high=NUM_CLASSES) outputs = model(input) loss = loss_fn(outputs, target) optim.zero_grad() loss.backward() optim.step() # metric only computed every 4 batches, # data from previous three batches is included metric.update(input, target) if (batch + 1) % eval_frequency == 0: metric_history.append(metric.compute()) # remove old data so that the next call # to compute is only based off next 4 batches metric.reset() ``` ### Multi-Process or Multi-GPU For usage on multiple devices a minimal example is given below. In the normal `torch.distributed` paradigm, each device is allocated its own process gets a unique numerical ID called a "global rank", counting up from 0. #### Class Version (enables deferred computation and multi-processing) ```python import torch from torcheval.metrics.toolkit import sync_and_compute from torcheval.metrics import MulticlassAccuracy # Using torch.distributed local_rank = int(os.environ["LOCAL_RANK"]) #rank on local machine, i.e. unique ID within a machine global_rank = int(os.environ["RANK"]) #rank in global pool, i.e. unique ID within the entire process group world_size = int(os.environ["WORLD_SIZE"]) #total number of processes or "ranks" in the entire process group device = torch.device( f"cuda:{local_rank}" if torch.cuda.is_available() and torch.cuda.device_count() >= world_size else "cpu" ) metric = MulticlassAccuracy(device=device) num_epochs, num_batches = 4, 8 for epoch in range(num_epochs): for i in range(num_batches): input = torch.randint(high=5, size=(10,), device=device) target = torch.randint(high=5, size=(10,), device=device) # Add data to metric locally metric.update(input, target) # metric.compute() will returns metric value from # all seen data on the local process since last reset() local_compute_result = metric.compute() # sync_and_compute(metric) syncs metric data across all ranks and computes the metric value global_compute_result = sync_and_compute(metric) if global_rank == 0: print(global_compute_result) # metric.reset() clears the data on each process so that subsequent # calls to compute() only act on new data metric.reset() ``` See the [example directory]( for more examples. ## Contributing We welcome PRs! See the [CONTRIBUTING]( file. ## License TorchEval is BSD licensed, as found in the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file.