pyvideo / old-pyvideo-data

DEPRECATED: Video data for Python related conferences
107 stars 38 forks source link

====== README

.. image:: :target:


This repository is deprecated and is no longer used. Please use the new upstream repository at for all future needs.

Old content

This is the pyvideo-data repository. It's the last vestiges of pyvideo. It holds data for Python-related conferences. The data is in JSON format in a conference subdirectory of the data/ directory.

This repository also holds the clive tool which we use for data validation and building new data.

The data and tool are volunteer-managed.


Dicsussions occur on the pyvideo-data mailing list <>_

We also hang out on IRC in #pyvideo on

How to add data and edit data

See CONTRIBUTING.rst for adding issues, adding data and editing data.

Note: We plan to write better documentation for this as we work out better process. Join the mailing list if you want to help with that.

What is the licensing information?

See COPYING.rst for licensing information and source code.

What's here


data/      Python-related conference video data
src/       source code for clive tool