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Find a way to properly pass the quarkus version to our helm chart labels #114

Open iocanel opened 4 months ago

iocanel commented 4 months ago

We need to pass the exact quarkus version as a label to our application deployements. So, we need to somehow extract the version.

Using the version from the QuarkusVersionList is not enough as it only contains major and minor but not micro parts.

Maybe an action that reads the pom and set the value in the helm values.yaml file is needed or something smarter.

cmoulliard commented 4 months ago

We can extract the quarkusVersion from what we got as template's parameter using a filter as documented here: https://github.com/q-shift/qshift-templates/issues/48#issuecomment-2037285616

Such a filter can be now registered part of a backendModule as I documented here: https://backstage.io/docs/features/software-templates/writing-templates#custom-filters :-)

IMPORTANT: What you are looking for is not to get the version that a user selects using the list (e.g. 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, etc) but the version which has been scaffolded within the pom.xml.

So my proposition can help if we want to pass as parameter such a version: 3.9 instead of io.quarkus.platform:3.9 to an action able to fetch and process the templates using nunjucks like the following

    - id: gitopsTemplate
      name: Generating GitOps Resources
      action: fetch:template
        url: manifests/
        copyWithoutTemplating: []
          quarkusVersion: ${{ parameters.quarkusVersion | extractVersionFromKey }}

In this case, we don't need anymore such a code part of the helm file

{%- if values.quarkusVersion %}
  {%- set streamKey = values.quarkusVersion %}
  {%- set quarkusVersionArr = streamKey.split(':') %}
  {%- set quarkusVersion = quarkusVersionArr[1] %}
{%- else %}
  {%- set quarkusVersion = '' %}
{%- endif %}
apiVersion: backstage.io/v1alpha1
kind: Component
apiVersion: backstage.io/v1alpha1
kind: Component
  name: ${{ values.component_id }}
  {%- if values.title %}
  title: ${{ values.title }}
  {%- endif %}
  {%- if values.description %}
  description: ${{ values.description }}
  {%- endif %}
    app.quarkus.io/quarkus-version: "${{ quarkusVersion }}"

So, what you want to get is this quarkus maven version (when declared as property) = https://github.com/ch007m/my-quarkus-todo-app/blob/main/pom.xml#L14 ? Why instead of using `3.9, 3.10, etc ?@iocanel

cmoulliard commented 3 months ago

Instead of parsing a maven DOM file, I would like to propose that we create a new action fetching the version from code.quarkus.io using the streams data as they include the micro part too. WDYT ? @iocanel

http --follow https://code.quarkus.io/api/streams | jq -r '.[]'
  "key": "io.quarkus.platform:3.11",
  "quarkusCoreVersion": "3.11.1",
  "javaCompatibility": {
    "versions": [
    "recommended": 21
  "platformVersion": "3.11.1",
  "recommended": true,
  "status": "FINAL",
  "lts": false

To get the version, we can do this search based on the platform key selected by the user

http --follow https://code.quarkus.io/api/streams | jq -r '.[] | select(.key == "io.quarkus.platform:3.2") | .quarkusCoreVersion'
cmoulliard commented 3 months ago

Here is what I propose to validate and to do:

WDYT ? @iocanel @aureamunoz

aureamunoz commented 3 months ago

LGTM. The TemplateFilter seems ok for me if it's also easy to test.

Regarding the 2e2 test case, as already mentioned it would be nice to have it but I think it can be done in another PR.

cmoulliard commented 3 months ago

Regarding the 2e2 test case, as already mentioned it would be nice to have it but I think it can be done in another PR.


iocanel commented 3 months ago

@i3andy: Can we correctly infer the stream key from the major.minor.patch version of quarkus ?

maxandersen commented 3 months ago

@iocanel depends which version of quarkus you are referring to. The stream refer to the Quarkus Platform version not directly tied with Quarkus core artifact (though it is aligned today its not guaranteed it continues)

maxandersen commented 3 months ago

@iocanel https://github.com/q-shift/backstage-playground/issues/114#issuecomment-2152389529 shows how a stream gives you the recommend quarkus platform version.

cmoulliard commented 3 months ago
  • Instead of developing a new action, we could try to use QuarkusVersionList where we continue to display the versions as now (and like this is also the case on code.quarkus.io) BUT where we pass as selected value the version major.minor.patchthat we got from /api/streams and field: platformVersion or quarkusCoreVersion. Which field is the good one to use ? I did a quick change/test and that works when we select as version 3.8 then the version that we will pass to the template engine will be 3.8.5

Here is then what we should do:

Important: I notice a small issue. If no value is selected from the QuarkusVersion list within the screen and the default value is kept (aka 3.11 (RECOMMENDED)), then the Quarkus version remains the key and not 3.11.1. However, if you select 3.2, then the version passed to the parameter will be 3.2.12.Final

FYI: @aureamunoz