q-shift / backstage-playground

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Backstage QShift Showcase

The backstage QShift application has been designed to showcase QShift (Quarkus on OpenShift). It is composed of the following plugins and integrated with different backend systems:

Backstage plugin Backend system
Core - 1.27.x GitHub
Kubernetes OpenShift 4.15
Quarkus front & backend code.quarkus.io, OpenShift Virtualization 4.15.2
Quarkus Console OpenShift 4.15
ArgoCD front & backend OpenShift GitOps 1.12.3
Tekton OpenShift Pipelines 1.15.0
Topology OpenShift 4.15

Note: This backstage application is based on the backstage's version: 1.27.x


Important: If you need to provision an OpenShift cluster with the required backend systems: ArgoCD, Tekton, etc, then go to the next section Provision an ocp cluster, otherwise move to Backstage instructions

Provision an ocp cluster

The following section details the different commands to be used to deploy the backend systems needed by QShift on a new OCP cluster (e.g. 4.15.x)



To subscribe to the operator and create the needed CR

Note: The version of the operator could be different according to the ocp cluster version used but the platform will in this case bump the version for you. Take care as this project could take time !

cd manifest/installation/virt
kubectl create ns openshift-cnv
kubectl apply -f subscription-kubevirt-hyperconverged.yml
kubectl apply -f hyperConverged.yml

To install the customized fedora image packaging podman and socat, create now a DataVolume CR and wait till the image will be imported

kubectl -n openshift-virtualization-os-images apply -f quay-to-pvc-datavolume.yml


To subscribe to the operator and create the needed CR

cd manifest/installation/gitops
kubectl create ns openshift-gitops-operator
kubectl apply -f subscription-gitops.yml

To use ArgoCD with QShift, it is needed to delete the existing ArgoCD CR and to deploy our ArgoCD CR.

Note: Our CR includes different changes needed to work with QShift:

kubectl delete argocd/argocd -n openshift-gitops
kubectl apply -f argocd.yml

Todo: Instead of deleting and recreating a new ArgoCD CR, we should patch it or install it using kustomize. Example: https://github.com/redhat-cop/agnosticd/blob/development/ansible/roles_ocp_workloads/ocp4_workload_openshift_gitops/templates/openshift-gitops.yaml.j2

Patch the default AppProject CR to support to deploy the Applications CR in different namespaces.

kubectl get AppProject/default -n openshift-gitops -o json | jq '.spec.sourceNamespaces += ["*"]' | kubectl apply -f -

Finally, create a new ClusterRoleBinding to give the Admin role to the ServiceAccount openshift-gitops-argocd-application-controller. That will allow it to manage the Applications CR deployed in any namespace of the cluster.

kubectl apply -f rbac.yml


To subscribe to the operator, execute this command

cd manifest/installation/tekton
kubectl apply -f subscription-pipelines.yml

Backstage instructions

This section explains how to use Backstage:

First steps

Before to install and use our Backstage application, it is needed to perform some steps such as:

The commands described hereafter will help you to set up what it is needed:

We are now ready to deploy and use backstage within your project as documented at the following section.

Deploy and use Backstage on OCP

A Backstage application uses an app-config.yaml configuration file to configure its front and backend application like the plugins accessing the backend systems.

As we cannot use a local config file as this is the case when you start backstage locally (yarn dev), then we will use for ocp a configMap and define the sensitive information in a kubernetes secret.

This kubernetes secret, which contains k=v pairs, will be mounted as a volume within the backstage's pod and will override the appo-config.yaml file mounted also as a volume from a ConfigMap.

Trick: The backstage_env_secret.tmpl file contains what you need to get or set the sensitive information :-)

Verify if backstage is alive using the URL: https://backstage-<MY_NAMESPACE>.<OCP_CLUSTER_DOMAIN> and start to play with the templates:

Run backstage locally

Create your app-config.local.yaml file using the app-config.qshift.tmpl file and set the different url/password/tokens using the env backstage_env_secret.tmpl like this

cp manifest/templates/backstage_env_secret.tmpl backstage_env_secret.env

# Edit the backstage_env_secret.env and set the different url/password/tokens !!

export $(grep -v '^#' backstage_env_secret.env | xargs)
envsubst < manifest/templates/app-config.qshift.tmpl > app-config.local.yaml

Warning: If you use node 20, then export the following env var export NODE_OPTIONS=--no-node-snapshot as documented here.

Next run the following commands to start the front and backend using the app-config.local.yaml config file:

yarn install
yarn dev

You can now open the backstage URL http://localhodt:3000, select from the left menu /create and scaffold a new project using the template Create a Quarkus application

Automate a scenario



If you would like to automate the process to scaffold a project on an OpenShift Cluster provisioned with ArgoCD, Tekton, etc and without the need to use the UI, then follow the instructions described hereafter:

cat <<EOF > req.json
  "templateRef": "template:default/quarkus-application",
  "values": {
    "component_id": "<YOUR_QUARKUS_APP>",
    "native": false,
    "owner": "user:guest",
    "groupId": "io.quarkus",
    "artifactId": "my-quarkus-app",
    "version": "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT",
    "java_package_name": "io.quarkus.demo",
    "description": "A cool quarkus app",
    "javaVersion": "17",
    "buildTool": "MAVEN",
    "database": "quarkus-jdbc-postgresql",
    "healthEndpoint": true,
    "metricsEndpoint": true,
    "infoEndpoint": true,
    "extensions": [
    "repo": {
      "host": "github.com",
      "org": "<YOUR_GITHUB_ORG>" 
    "namespace": "<YOUR_OCP_NAMESPACE>",
    "imageRepository": "quay.io",
    "virtualMachineName": "quarkus-dev",
    "virtualMachineNamespace": "<THE_OCP_NAMESPACE_WHERE_PODMAN_VM_IS_RUNNING>",
    "imageUrl": "quay.io/<YOUR_QUAY_ORG>/<QUAY_REPOSITORY>"
curl $URL/api/scaffolder/v2/tasks \
  -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
  -d @req.json

To delete the different resources created (cluster, github), execute the following commands:

argocd login --insecure $ARGOCD_SERVER --username $ARGOCD_USER --password $ARGOCD_PWD --grpc-web

argocd app delete openshift-gitops/-bootstrap -y

Wait a few moment till all the resources have been deleted

argocd proj delete

- Database
If a database like Postgresql has been deployed for the Quarkus application created, then delete the PVC as the Helm Postgresql helm don't remove by default
kubectl delete -n <NAMESPACE> pvc -lapp.kubernetes.io/instance=<YOUR_QUARKUS_APP>-db

According to the name of <YOUR_QUARKUS_APP> created, then pickup one word from the application's name: todo, chatboot and use it as keyword to search hereafter:

ID=$(curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" $URL:7007/api/catalog/locations | jq -r --arg appToSearch "$KEY_TO_SEARCH" '.[] | select(.data.target | contains($appToSearch)) | .data.id')
curl -X 'DELETE' -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" $URL/api/catalog/locations/$ID