qasim9872 / aws-transcribe

A client for Amazon Transcribe using the websockets API
MIT License
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AWS Transcribe

A client for Amazon Transcribe using the websocket interface

WARNING: This module is now deprecated and will no longer be maintained. Please use the official package provided by amazon, it can be found here

Getting Started

With NPM install the module with: npm install aws-transcribe --save With YARN install the module with: yarn add aws-transcribe


An example of streaming from microphone can be found in src/examples/stream-from-microphone.ts

import { AwsTranscribe, StreamingClient, TranscriptEvent } from "aws-transcribe"

const client = new AwsTranscribe({
    // if these aren't provided, they will be taken from the environment
    accessKeyId: "ACCESS KEY HERE",
    secretAccessKey: "SECRET KEY HERE",

const transcribeStream = client
        region: "eu-west-1",
        sampleRate: 16000,
        languageCode: "en-US",
    // enums for returning the event names which the stream will emit
    .on(StreamingClient.EVENTS.OPEN, () => console.log(`transcribe connection opened`))
    .on(StreamingClient.EVENTS.ERROR, console.error)
    .on(StreamingClient.EVENTS.CLOSE, () => console.log(`transcribe connection closed`))
    .on(StreamingClient.EVENTS.DATA, (data: TranscriptEvent) => {
        const results = data.Transcript.Results

        if (!results || results.length === 0) {

        const result = results[0]
        const final = !result.IsPartial
        const prefix = final ? "recognized" : "recognizing"
        const text = result.Alternatives[0].Transcript
        console.log(`${prefix} text: ${text}`)



new AwsTranscribe(clientConfig)

This creates a service wrapper which can then be used to create a streaming client

The clientConfig is optional and can be provided with the following properties:


This will create a presigned url using the config and return an instance of StreamingClient which is a wrapper around the websocket. It will decode binary messages coming from AWS and encode messages to binary when sending them

The transcribeStreamConfig is required and must have the following properties:

It may also optionally include:

StreamingClient EVENTS


set environment variable to below when running your application.



If you discover a bug, please raise an issue on Github.


Pull requests are very welcome. Please:


Copyright (c) 2020 Muhammad Qasim. Licensed under the MIT license.