qaware / kubepad

A cluster remote control using a Novation launchpad MIDI controller
MIT License
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= Kubepad

Remote control a Kubernetes or Marathon cluster using a Novation launchpad MIDI controller.

image::kubepad-in-action.jpg[K8S Cloud Launchpad, 400, 400]

== Configuration

First of all you need a Kubernetes or Marathon cluster. You can access a local installation as well as a remote master.

.Kubernetes Make sure you have the proper configuration under ˜.kube/config. Additionally set your master URL and namespace in the file. Then start Kubepad with the -Dcluster.service=kubernetes flag.

.Marathon / DCOS Kubepad retrieves your URL and access token for DC/OS from a file named dcos.toml. By default this file is in the /.dcos folder in your home directory. You can overwrite its location in the file. Then start Kubepad with the -Dcluster.service=marathon flag.

== Usage

Now you can start and use the Kubepad. Each row represents a running application, with the square buttons representing instances. You can start and stop an instance by directly pressing a square button. You can also select a row by pressing the buttons on the right hand side. The cursors at the top can also be used to select the row (up and down) and scale the row (left and right).

== Action Buttons

The four buttons on the right of the top row have a special meaning:

== Labels

The appearance of apps on the launchpad can be specified with following labels:

== Leap Motion

You can also use a connected leap motion to control your cluster. To enable this feature add the -Dleapmotion.enabled flag and point -Djava.library.path to your Leap motion libs. Perform a swipe gesture to scale to 5 Pods (= 5 fingers). Use key tap or screen tap gestures to move the row selection down or up.

== References

== Maintainer

M.-Leander Reimer (@lreimer),

== License

The software and documentation is provided under the MIT open source license, read the LICENSE file for details.