qaz1678249 / scalar_kinematics

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SCALAR kinematics (ver 0.5.*) is the organized class for 6DoF, 4DoF or 3DoF or with gripper FK and IK.

see how to use the code

Install the latest version

pip install git+

How to import

from scaler_kin import scaler_k  # imports the latest scaler kinematics
from scaler_kin import Leg # import the leg class for 6DoF or with gripper

import original or different kinematics configurations

from scaler_kin.v2 import scaler_k  # imports the v2 scaler kinematics
from scaler_kin.v2 import Leg  # imports the leg class for 6DoF or with gripper

Change since Ver. 0.5

SCALER Biped Leg Kinematics

from scaler_kin.biped import scaler_k  # imports the biped scaler kinematics
from scaler_kin.biped import Leg  # imports the leg class
from scaler_kin.biped import hardware_constants  # import biped 

This kinematics has different parallel linkage lengths for two legs. Thus hardware_constrants for those linkages are now numpy array instead of a scalar value.

Change since Ver. 0.4

4DoF FK and IK

4DoF kinematics is added

Deprecated wrong class and function names

the kinematics class was wrongly named as scalar_k instead of scaler_k as well as their function names.

Now the following import works, but shows you deprecated warning

from scaler_kin import scalar_k  # imports the latest scaler kinematics
s = scalar_k()

So instead, use

from scaler_kin import scaler_k  # imports the latest scaler kinematics
s = scaler_k()

Change since Ver. 0.4.1

Camera arm

Camera arm kinematics is added

from camera_arm_kin import Cam_arm  # imports the latest camera arm kinematics
c = Cam_arm()

Change since Ver 0.2

The way importing classes have changed to a proper syntax. especially:

Install Ver 0.2 (Only for Compatibility)

If you need to use older way of imports you can use ver_0.2 branch

pip install git+