qbicsoftware / core-utils-lib

Library containing core classes and utilities that are independent of a portal.
MIT License
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Core Utilities Library

A collection of non-Vaadin, non-Liferay utilities.

|maven-build| |maven-test| |codeql| |release| |license| |java| |groovy|

How to Run

To build this library use Maven and Java 8:

First compile the project and build an executable java archive:

.. code-block:: bash

mvn clean package

Note that you will need java 8. The JAR file will be created in the /target folder:

.. code-block:: bash


How to Use

This is a library and the most common way to use this library in particular is by including it in your pom.xml as a dependency:

.. code-block:: xml


Find QBiC services

Finding QBiC service instances from within an application is as easy as this:

.. code-block:: Groovy

// Example in Groovy
def serviceList = []
def serviceRegistryUrl = new Url("https://host-name-of-registry:<port>/v1")
def connector = new ConsulConnector(serviceRegistryUrl)
connector.withCloseable {
    ConsulServiceFactory factory = new ConsulServiceFactory(it)

.. code-block:: Java

// Example in Java
List serviceList = new ArrayList<>()
Url serviceRegistryUrl = new URL("https://host-name-of-registry:<port>/v1")
try (ConsulConnector connector = new ConsulConnector(serviceRegistryUrl)) {
    ConsulServiceFactory factory = new ConsulServiceFactory(connector)


This work is licensed under the MIT license <https://mit-license.org/>_.

Note: This work uses the Micronaut Framework <https://github.com/micronaut-projects> and derivatives from the Micronaut framework family, its which are licensed under Apache 2.0 <https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0>.

.. |maven-build| image:: https://github.com/qbicsoftware/core-utils-lib/workflows/Build%20Maven%20Package/badge.svg :target: https://github.com/qbicsoftware/core-utils-lib/actions/workflows/build_package.yml :alt: Github Workflow Build Maven Package Status

.. |maven-test| image:: https://github.com/qbicsoftware/core-utils-lib/workflows/Run%20Maven%20Tests/badge.svg :target: https://github.com/qbicsoftware/core-utils-lib/actions/workflows/run_tests.yml :alt: Github Workflow Tests Status

.. |codeql| image:: https://github.com/qbicsoftware/core-utils-lib/workflows/CodeQL/badge.svg :target: https://github.com/qbicsoftware/core-utils-lib/actions/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml :alt: CodeQl Status

.. |license| image:: https://img.shields.io/github/license/qbicsoftware/core-utils-lib :target: https://github.com/qbicsoftware/core-utils-lib/blob/master/LICENSE :alt: Project Licence

.. |release| image:: https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/qbicsoftware/core-utils-lib.svg?include_prereleases :target: https://github.com/qbicsoftware/core-utils-lib/releases :alt: Release status

.. |java| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/language-java-blue.svg :alt: Written in Java

.. |groovy| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/language-groovy-blue.svg :alt: Written in Groovy