This CLI is intended to search the database for projects (samples of a project) that have received a new status. This is only done for the current day the tool is executed.
People who are subscribed are notified about their projects' changes will be notified via email. This service creates the messages and sends them.
Build the tool with
mvn clean package
You can find the executable jar-with-dependencies in the target folder.
Note: An instance of the subscription service is needed to run this application. Also, java 8 is required for packaging and running the software.
Execute the jar
java -jar <path-to-jar>/target/sample-notificator-app-<version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar -c <path-to-config> -d <ISO8601-formatted-date>
To get help use following command:
java -jar sample-notificator-app/target/sample-notificator-app-<version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar -h
Usage: SampleNotificator [-h] -c=<pathToConfig> -d=<date>
A service to send notifications to subscribers to inform them about changes
within their projects
-c, --config=<pathToConfig>
Path to a config file
-d, --date=<date> Date of the day, for which status update notifications
should be send. Required format: yyyy-mm-dd
-h, --help display a help message
To run the tool you need to provide the credentials to access and read data from the database. Therefore, you need to set up a properties file which should contain the following content: = 123.456.789
mysql.pass = myPassWord
mysql.user = myUserName
mysql.db = myDatabase
mysql.port = 8888
For the subscription service the following properties are required:
services.subscriptions.password = ...
services.subscriptions.tokengeneration.endpoint = /subscriptions/tokens
services.subscriptions.url = http://localhost:8080
services.subscriptions.user = ChuckNorris
In addition a base URL is needed where users can unsubscribe with the generated token.
portal.unsubscription.baseurl =
NOTE: Please don't use quotation marks "
for the values!