Closed qboticslabs closed 8 years ago
Hi @qboticslabs , the moveit_simple_grasp has release the version of Kinetic, I can compile it well, but it can't load the param of grasp data yaml. `siarobot@siarobot:~$ roslaunch moveit_simple_grasps sia_7f_grasp_generator_server.launch ... logging to /home/siarobot/.ros/log/716b4258-bd0f-11e7-8bfc-001aa0e11420/roslaunch-siarobot-28298.log Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
started roslaunch server http://siarobot:45670/
NODES / moveit_simple_grasps_server (moveit_simple_grasps/moveit_simple_grasps_server)
core service [/rosout] found
process[moveit_simple_grasps_server-1]: started with pid [28316]
[ERROR] [1509328247.770129719]: Grasp configuration parameter pregrasp_time_from_start
missing from rosparam server. Did you load your end effector's configuration yaml file? Searching in namespace: /moveit_simple_grasps_server/right
[moveit_simple_grasps_server-1] process has died [pid 28316, exit code -5, cmd /home/siarobot/sia_underwater_lab_ws/devel/lib/moveit_simple_grasps/moveit_simple_grasps_server __name:=moveit_simple_grasps_server __log:=/home/siarobot/.ros/log/716b4258-bd0f-11e7-8bfc-001aa0e11420/moveit_simple_grasps_server-1.log].
log file: /home/siarobot/.ros/log/716b4258-bd0f-11e7-8bfc-001aa0e11420/moveit_simple_grasps_server-1*.log
all processes on machine have died, roslaunch will exit
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete
Could you help me?
Thank you so much!
If this package is not working properly, you can use Ubuntu 14.04.2 instead 14.04.3, version !! It will work !!!