qclaogui / codelab-monitoring

Little helper to run Grafana LGTMP Stack(Loki Grafana Tempo Mimir Pyroscope) in Docker or Kubernetes.
Apache License 2.0
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docker grafana-agent grafana-alloy kubernetes loki mimir monitoring monitoring-mixins observability pyroscope tempo

Provisioning Scalable Observability Workspace

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A simple command to run Grafana LGTMP Stack in Docker or Kubernetes.

NOTE: This project is not intended for production use and is maintained on a best-effort basis.


An simple use case compose.yaml like so:

include: # include is available in Docker Compose version 2.20 and later, and Docker Desktop version 4.22 and later.
- path: https://github.com/qclaogui/codelab-monitoring.git#main:docker-compose/monolithic-mode/logs/compose.yaml

    labels: # https://github.com/qclaogui/codelab-monitoring/blob/main/alloy-modules/compose/README.md
      metrics.grafana.com/scrape: true
    image: githubexporter/github-exporter:1.1.0
    - REPOS=qclaogui/codelab-monitoring
COMPOSE_EXPERIMENTAL_GIT_REMOTE=true docker compose up -d --remove-orphans

Once all containers are up and running you can search for metrics in Grafana. Navigate to http://localhost:3000

In this case you can find github-exporter metrics and logs.

More usage examples, See: examples/

```shell ❯ make help Usage: make Docker compose up-monolithic-mode-metrics Run monolithic-mode Mimir for metrics up-monolithic-mode-logs Run monolithic-mode Loki for logs up-monolithic-mode-traces Run monolithic-mode Tempo for traces up-monolithic-mode-profiles Run monolithic-mode Pyroscope for profiles up-monolithic-mode-all-in-one Run monolithic-mode all-in-one up-read-write-mode-metrics Run read-write-mode Mimir for metrics ``` ```shell up-read-write-mode-logs Run read-write-mode Loki for logs up-microservices-mode-metrics Run microservices-mode Mimir for metrics up-microservices-mode-logs Run microservices-mode Loki for logs up-microservices-mode-traces Run microservices-mode Tempo for traces up-microservices-mode-profiles Run microservices-mode Pyroscope for profiles Kubernetes cluster Create k3s cluster clean Clean cluster manifests Generates k8s manifests deploy-kube-prometheus-stack Deploy kube-prometheus-stack manifests deploy-monolithic-mode-metrics Deploy monolithic-mode Mimir for metrics deploy-monolithic-mode-logs Deploy monolithic-mode Loki for logs deploy-monolithic-mode-profiles Deploy monolithic-mode Pyroscope for profiles deploy-monolithic-mode-traces Deploy monolithic-mode Tempo for traces deploy-monolithic-mode-all-in-one Deploy monolithic-mode all-in-one deploy-read-write-mode-metrics Deploy read-write-mode Mimir for metrics deploy-read-write-mode-logs Deploy read-write-mode Loki for logs deploy-microservices-mode-logs Deploy microservices-mode Loki for logs deploy-microservices-mode-metrics Deploy microservices-mode Mimir for metrics deploy-microservices-mode-profiles Deploy microservices-mode Pyroscope for profiles deploy-microservices-mode-traces Deploy microservices-mode Tempo for traces Build generate generate embed deps build Build binary for current OS and place it at ./bin/lgtmp_$(GOOS)_$(GOARCH) build-all Build binaries for Linux and Mac and place them in dist/ General console-token Prints the minio-operator console jwt token help Display this help. Thanks to https://www.thapaliya.com/en/writings/well-documented-makefiles/ ```

Docker Compose

The easiest way to run project locally is to use docker compose, these instructions will get you through the deploying samples with Docker Compose.

Prerequisites: Make sure that you have Docker and Docker Compose installed

NOTE: include is available in Docker Compose version 2.20 and later, and Docker Desktop version 4.22 and later.

Monolithic mode (单体模式)

Read-Write mode (读写模式)

Microservices mode (微服务模式)

Quick Start(docker-compose)

git clone https://github.com/qclaogui/codelab-monitoring.git && cd "$(basename "$_" .git)"

make up-monolithic-mode-all-in-one

Once all containers are up and running you can search for metrics in Grafana.

Navigate to http://localhost:3000/explore and select the search tab.


This project uses bingo (located in .bingo/), a tool to automate the versioning of Go packages.

k3d makes it very easy to create single- and multi-node k3s clusters in docker, e.g. for local development on Kubernetes.

Monolithic mode (单体模式)

Read-Write mode (读写模式)

Microservices mode (微服务模式)

Quick Start(kubernetes)

Install dependencies tools

git clone https://github.com/qclaogui/codelab-monitoring.git && cd "$(basename "$_" .git)"

make install-build-deps

Create a cluster and mapping the ingress port 80 to localhost:8080

make cluster

Deploy manifests

make deploy-monolithic-mode-logs

Once all containers are up and running you can search for logs in Grafana.

Navigate to http://localhost:8080/explore and select the search tab.

Command line

Take Grafana LGTMP Stack to the command line(#32)

❯ lgtmp --help
Grafana LGTMP Stack from the command line
L -> Loki       Like Prometheus, but for logs
G -> Grafana    The open and composable observability and data visualization platform
T -> Tempo      A high volume, minimal dependency distributed tracing backend
M -> Mimir      The most scalable Prometheus backend
P -> Pyroscope  Continuous Profiling Platform. Debug performance issues down to a single line of code

  lgtmp [command]

$ lgtmp up metrics

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  delete      Clean up Grafana LGTMP stack from Kubernetes
  deploy      Provisioning Grafana LGTMP stack by Kubernetes
  down        Clean up Grafana LGTMP stack from Docker Compose
  help        Help about any command
  up          Provisioning Grafana LGTMP stack by Docker Compose
  version     Output the version of lgtmp

  -h, --help   Show help for command

Use "lgtmp [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Grafana LGTMP Stack default port-mapping

Port-mapping Component Description
12345:12345, 4317, 4318, 6831 Alloy Expose 12345 port so we can directly access alloy inside container
33100:3100 Loki Expose 33100 port so we can directly access loki inside container
3000:3000, 6060 Grafana Expose 3000 port so we can directly access grafana inside container
33200:3200, 4317, 4318 Tempo Expose 33200 port so we can directly access tempo inside container
38080:8080 Mimir Expose 38080 port so we can directly access mimir inside container
34040:4040 Pyroscope Expose 34040 port so we can directly access pyroscope inside container
9001:9001, 9000 Minio Expose 9001 port so we can access minio console with MINIO_ROOT_USER=lgtmp, MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=supersecret
39000:9000, 2500, 1100 Inbucket Expose 39000 port to use for the email testing server web interface.

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