qdm12 / caddy-ui

UI for the Caddy proxy server
MIT License
65 stars 6 forks source link

Caddy UI

Caddy UI is a web frontend to interact with the Caddy server

⚠️ This is under heavy development, expect some breaking changes or non functional images!

Web build status Docker build status



  1. If you run Caddy in a container, make the admin api listen on ensure Caddy's port 2019 is reachable somehow (i.e. with -p 2019:2019/tcp). You should also run caddy with --resume so that it uses its auto saved json configuration when it is restarted.

  2. Run this container:

    docker run -d -p 8000:8000/tcp -e CADDY_API_ENDPOINT="http://somehost:2019" qmcgaw/caddy-ui

    You can also use docker-compose with docker-compose up -d and the following docker-compose.yml:

    version: "3.7"
          image: qmcgaw/caddy-scratch
          container_name: caddy
          command: --resume
            - 2019:2019/tcp
            - 8080:8080/tcp
            - 8443:8443/tcp
            - TZ=
          image: qmcgaw/caddy-ui
            - 8000:8000/tcp
            - CADDY_API_ENDPOINT=http://caddy:2019
  3. Access the web app at http://localhost:8000.

Environment variables

Environment variable Default Description
CADDY_API_ENDPOINT http://localhost:2019 Caddy API endpoint address
LOG_ENCODING console Logging format, can be json or console
LOG_LEVEL info Logging level, can be debug, info, warning, error
NODE_ID -1 Node ID for logger (-1 to disable)
LISTENING_PORT 8000 Internal listening TCP port
ROOT_URL / URL path, used if behind a reverse proxy
TZ America/Montreal Timezone string
CORS_WHITELIST Comma separated list of hosts to whitelist for CORS, use only for development


You can update the image with docker pull qmcgaw/caddy-ui or use one of tags available


You might want to first refer to the Caddy UI Server repository which contains more architectural information and contains this repository as a Git submodule.

  1. Setup your environment

    Using VSCode and Docker

    1. Install [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/install/) - On Windows, share a drive with Docker Desktop and have the project on that partition - On OSX, share your project directory with Docker Desktop 1. With [Visual Studio Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/download), install the [remote containers extension](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers) 1. In Visual Studio Code, press on `F1` and select `Remote-Containers: Open Folder in Container...` 1. Your dev environment is ready to go!... and it's running in a container :+1:


    Install [Nodejs](https://nodejs.org/en/download/) and [Docker](https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop), with eventually [yarn](https://classic.yarnpkg.com/en/docs/install/)

  2. Commands available:

    # Starts the development server with ts-node
    yarn start
    # Test the code
    yarn test
    # Lint the code
    yarn lint
    # Build the app for production
    yarn build
    # Build the Docker image
    docker build -t qmcgaw/caddy-ui .
  3. See Contributing for more information on how to contribute to this repository.



This repository is under an MIT license unless otherwise indicated