qdrant / landing_page

Landing page for qdrant.tech
18 stars 73 forks source link

Running locally



Needed only for development


cd qdrant-landing
hugo serve

Open http://localhost:1313/ in your browser.

Run with drafts

If your changes are not shown on the site, check if your markdown file has draft: true in the header.

Drafts are not shown by default. To see drafts, run the following command:

cd qdrant-landing
hugo serve -D

Build css from scss

For previous theme, it was required to build css files. We don't need to explicitly build css from scss anymore. It's done automatically by Hugo uses Dart Sass, which should be installed on your machine to see results).

Content Management

To add new content to the site, you need to add a markdown file to the corresponding directory. The file should have a header with metadata. See examples below.

Do not push changes to the master branch directly. Create a new branch and make a pull request.

If you want to make your changes live, you need to merge your pull request to the master branch. After that, the changes will be automatically deployed to the site.

Main Page

Customers/Partners Logos

To add a customer logo to the marquee on the main page:

  1. Add a logo to /qdrant-landing/static/content/images/logos directory. The logo should be in png format and have a transparent background and width 200px. The color of the logo should be #B6C0E4.

  2. Add a markdown file to content/stack directory using next command (replace customer-name with the name of the customer):

cd qdrant-landing
hugo new --kind customer-logo stack/customer-name.md

Edit the file if needed.

  1. If total number of slides changed - update static/css/main.scss file. Find line:
@include marquee.base(80px, 200px, 13, 6, 20px, false, 50s);

and change 13 to the number of logos.

Rebuild css from scss (see instructions above).

  1. To change order of the logos - add or change weight parameter in the markdown files in /qdrant-landing/content/stack directory.



Articles are written in markdown and stored in content/articles directory. Each article has a header with metadata:

title: Here goes the title of the article #required
short_description: Short description of the article
description: This is a longer description of the article, you can get a little bit more wordly here. Try to keep it under 140 characters. #required
social_preview_image: /articles_data/cars-recognition/social_preview.jpg # This image will be used in social media previews, should be 1200x630px. Required.
small_preview_image: /articles_data/cars-recognition/icon.svg # This image will be used in the list of articles at the footer, should be 40x40px
preview_dir: /articles_data/cars-recognition/preview # This directory contains images that will be used in the article preview. They can be generated from one image. Read more below. Required.
weight: 10 # This is the order of the article in the list of articles at the footer. The lower the number, the higher the article will be in the list.
author: Yusuf Sarıgöz # Author of the article. Required.
author_link: https://medium.com/@yusufsarigoz # Link to the author's page. Required.
date: 2022-06-28T13:00:00+03:00 # Date of the article. Required.
draft: false # If true, the article will not be published
keywords: # Keywords for SEO
  - vector databases comparative benchmark
  - benchmark
  - performance
  - latency

Preview image mechanism

Preview image for each page is selected based from the following places in the following order:

Article preview

Article preview is a set of images that will be used in the article preview. They can be generated from one image. To generate preview images, you need to have ImageMagick and cwebp installed.

You can install cwebp with the following command:

curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Intervox/node-webp/latest/bin/install_webp | sudo bash

Prepare preview image

For the preview use image with the aspect ratio 3 to 1 in jpg or png format. With resolution not smaller than 1200x630px. The image should illustrate in some way the article's core idea. Fill free got creative. Check out that most important part of the image is in the center.

Generating preview images

To generate preview images, run the following command from the root of project:

bash -x automation/process-article-img.sh <path-to-image> <alias-for-the-article>

For example:

bash -x automation/process-article-img.sh ~/Pictures/my_preview.jpg filtrable-hnsw 

This command will create a directory preview in static/article_data/filtrable-hnsw and generate preview images in it. If the directory static/article_data/filtrable-hnsw doesn't exist, it will be created. If it exists, only files in children preview directory will be affected. In this case preview images will be overwritten. Your original image will not be affected.

Preview images set

Preview images set consists of the following images:

preview.jpg - 530x145px (used on the article preview card for browsers, not supporting webp) preview.webp - 530x145px (used on the article preview card for browsers, supporting webp) title.jpg - 898x300px (used on the article's page as the main image before the article title for browsers, not supporting webp) title.webp - 898x300px (used on the article's page as the main image before the article title for browsers, supporting webp) social_preview.jpg - 1200x630px (used in social media previews)



Documentation pages are written in markdown and stored in content/documentation directory. Each page has a header with metadata:

title: Here goes the title of the page #required
weight: 10 # This is the order of the page in the sidebar. The lower the number, the higher the page will be in the sidebar.
canonicalUrl: https://qdrant.io/documentation/ # Optional. This is the canonical url of the page.
hideInSidebar: true # Optional. If true, the page will not be shown in the sidebar. It can be used in regular documentation pages and in documentation section pages (_index.md).

Preview images for documentation pages

Branded individual preview images for documentation pages might be auto-generated using the following command:

(from the root of the project)

bash -x automation/generate-all-docs-preview.sh

It will automatically insert documentation Section name and Title of the page into the preview. If there is a custom background for the image - it should be placed in the static/documentation/<section-name>/<page>-bg.png.

If there is no custom background - random default background will be used.

Generated images will be placed in the static/documentation/<section-name>/<page>-social-preview.png.

To re-generate preview image, remove the previously generated one and run the command again.

Documentation sidebar


To create a delimiter in the sidebar, use the following command:

cd qdrant-landing
hugo new --kind delimiter documentation/<delimiter-title>.md

It will create a file content/documentation/<delimiter-title>.md.

To put a delimiter to desired place in the sidebar, set the weight parameter to the desired value. The lower the value, the higher the delimiter will be in the sidebar.

External link

To create an external link in the sidebar, use the following command:

cd qdrant-landing
hugo new --kind external-link documentation/<link-title>.md

It will create a file content/documentation/<link-title>.md. Open it and set the external_link parameter to the desired value.


Additionally, to the standard hugo front matter params, we have the following params:

hideInSidebar: true

If true, the page will not be shown in the sidebar. It can be used in regular documentation pages and in documentation section pages (_index.md).


To add a new blog post, run the following commands:

cd qdrant-landing
hugo new --kind blog-post blog/<post-title>.md

You'll see a file named content/blog/<post-title>.md. Open it and edit the front matter.


Store images for blog posts in the following subdirectory: static/blog/<post-title>. You can add nested directories if needed. For social media previews, use images of at least 1200x600px.

In the blog post file, you'll see:

Important notes

Marketing Landing Pages

Build styles

From the root of the project:

sass --watch --style=compressed ./qdrant-landing/themes/qdrant/static/css/pages/marketing-landing.scss ./qdrant-landing/themes/qdrant/static/css/marketing-landing.css


Structured data (Schema.org, JSON-LD)

Structured data is a standardized format for providing information about a page and classifying the page content. It is used by search engines to understand the content of the page and to display rich snippets in search results.

We use JSON-LD format for structured data. Data is stored in JSON files in the /assets/schema directory. If no specific schema is provided for a page, the default schema is used based on the page type as defined in the qdrant-landing/themes/qdrant/layouts/partials/seo_schema.html file.

To add specific schema to a specific page, use the seo_schema or seo_schema_json parameter in the front matter of content markdown files (directory content).

To add json directly to the page, use the seo_schema parameter. The value should be a JSON object.


seo_schema: {
    "@context": "https://schema.org",
    "@type": "Organization",
    "name": "Qdrant",
    "url": "https://qdrant.io",
    "logo": "https://qdrant.io/images/logo.png",
    "sameAs": [

To add a path to a JSON files with schema data, use the seo_schema_json parameter. This parameter should contain a list of paths to JSON files. The path should be relative to the qdrant-landing/assets directory.


  - schema/schema-organization.json
  - schema/product-schema.json

If you want to add a new schema, create a new JSON file in the qdrant-landing/assets/schema directory and add the path to the seo_schema_json parameter.

When use seo_schema and seo_schema_json together, seo_schema will be used additionally to seo_schema_json adding the second Githubissues.

  • Githubissues is a development platform for aggregating issues.