qensus-labs / venafi-codesigning-wrapper-action

Repository that contains a wrapper that simplifies using Venafi CodeSigning with Github Actions
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Venafi Codesigning Wrapper Github Action

This action enables you to download, cache and set the Venafi CodeSign Protect clients either based on Venafi CSP or PKCS#11. Optionally you may want to set a default configuration for verification purposes.

if you are not familiar with Code Signing or Venafi CodeSign Protect, please refer to current CodeSign Protect documentation to get an understanding of the benefits and product features.

Table of contents

Usage overview

This action currently supports GitHub-provided Linux and Windows runners, including self-hosted runners. Currently we provide examples for jarsigner and signtool, which are provided through the Python library Venafi CodeSign Protect: Python (PyPi) Package.

Optional Inputs

The following optional inputs:

Input Description
venafi-csc-url Venafi CodeSign Protect client Download page, which defaults to https://localhost/csc for local development.
venafi-version Venafi CodeSign Protect version, which defaults to 24.1.0, our latest tested version.
venafi-auth-url Trust Protection Platform authentication server URL, which defaults to https://localhost/vedauth for local development.
venafi-hsm-url Trust Protection Platform virtual HSM URL, which defaults to https://localhost/vedhsm for local development.
include-config Does an initial set-url to set the authentication server and virtual HSM URLs, which defaults to false for local development.
venafi-user The login username that has privileges to properly execute signing operations, which defaults to signer and can be overwritten when needed.
venafi-password The password associated with the login username. The latter is useful for storing the password in a Github Secret, which can be accessed through a variable.

Note: Don't forget to register the password as Github Secret.

Expected Outputs

The following outputs:

Output Description
csp-driver-cached-config Configuration of the cached CSP Driver package. Only if initial-config is set to true.
csp-driver-cached-path Path of the cached CSP Driver package.
csp-driver-cached-version Version of the cached CSP Driver package.

Add the following entry to your Github workflow YAML file as bare minimum input.:

uses: qensus-labs/venafi-codesigning-wrapper-action@v1.0.0
  version: '24.1.0' # optional


This product is compatible with:

This product supports executing code signing clients in a Shell environment using the Python venafi-csp integration. We currently support Linux and Windows operating systems.

Currently our support differs per OS:

Signer OS Venafi-CSP
Jarsigner Linux
Jarsigner Windows
Signtool Linux
Signtool Windows


Below example usage examples you may want to implement using Github Actions shared or self-hosted runners.

Example including initial configuration:

Scenario implements a pinned version with minimal configuration.

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    permissions: {}

    name: Example including initial configuration
      - name: Setup CSPDriver
        uses: qensus-labs/venafi-codesigning-wrapper-action@v1.0.0
          venafi-version: '24.1.0'
          venafi-csc-url: 'https://my-tpp/csc'
          venafi-auth-url: 'https://my-tpp/vedauth'
          venafi-hsm-url: 'https://my-tpp/vedhsm'
          include-config: 'false'
          venafi-user: 'signer'
      - name: Check CSPDriver (version)
        run: pkcs11config --version

Example using minimal configuration:

Scenario implements the default version with minimal configuration. It does require a local development environment (TPP).

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    permissions: {}

    name: Example with local TPP
      - name: Setup CSPDriver
        uses: qensus-labs/venafi-codesigning-wrapper-action@v1.0.0
      - name: Check CSPDriver (version)
        run: pkcs11config --version

Example running on a self-hosted and shared Linux runner with jarsigner:

Complete implements a pinned version with minimal configuration. Additionally it demostrated the complete code signing lifecycle using jarsigner.

See the Venafi CodeSign Protect: Python (PyPi) Package documentation for more detailed configuration examples and applicable parameters.

When using a shared runner, only update runs-on: parameter value with ubuntu-latest.

    runs-on: ["self-hosted", "Linux", "X64"] # runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Example with self-hosted Linux runner
      - name: Setup CSPDriver
        id: cspdriver
        uses: qensus-labs/venafi-codesigning-wrapper-action@v1.0.0
          venafi-version: '24.1.0'
          venafi-csc-url: 'https://my-tpp/csc'
          venafi-auth-url: 'https://my-tpp/vedauth'
          venafi-hsm-url: 'https://my-tpp/vedhsm'
          include-config: 'false'
      - name: Display output values
        run: |
          echo "Output \"csp-driver-cached-path\" [${{steps.cspdriver.outputs.csp-driver-cached-path}}]"
          echo "Output \"csp-driver-cached-version\" [${{steps.cspdriver.outputs.csp-driver-cached-version}}]"
      - name: Check CSPDriver (version)
        run: pkcs11config --version
      - name: Setup Java SDK
        uses: actions/setup-java@v4
          distribution: 'oracle' # See 'Supported distributions' for available options
          java-version: '21'
      - name: Show JarSigner version
        run: jarsigner -version
      - name: Build foo.jar
        run: |
          echo 'public class Foo { public static void main() { } }' > Foo.java
          javac Foo.java
          jar -cf foo.jar Foo.class
      - name: Store the foo.jar artifact
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
          name: foo.jar
          path: foo.jar
      - name: Setup Python 3.10
        uses: actions/setup-python@v5
          python-version: '3.10'
      - name: Install Venafi Python package
        run: pip install venafi-csp
      - name: Run Library command
        run: python -mvenafi_csp.version_command
      - name: Sign artifact with JarSigner
        run: python -mvenafi_csp.jarsigner_sign_command
          TPP_AUTH_URL: 'https://my-tpp/vedauth'
          TPP_HSM_URL: 'https://my-tpp/vedhsm'
          TPP_USERNAME: signer
          TPP_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.TPP_PASSWORD }}
          VENAFI_CLIENT_TOOLS_DIR: '${{ runner.tool_cache }}/CSPDriver/24.1.0/x64/opt/venafi/codesign'
          INPUT_PATH: foo.jar
          CERTIFICATE_LABEL: github-signer-development-codesigner
     - name: verify artifact with JarSigner
        run: python -mvenafi_csp.jarsigner_verify_command
          TPP_AUTH_URL: 'https://my-tpp/vedauth'
          TPP_HSM_URL: 'https://my-tpp/vedhsm'
          TPP_USERNAME: signer
          TPP_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.TPP_PASSWORD }}
          INPUT_PATH: foo.jar
          CERTIFICATE_LABEL: github-signer-development-codesigner
      - name: Store the foo.jar signed & validated artifact
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
          name: foo-signed.jar
          path: foo.jar

Example running on a self-hosted and shared Windows runner with signtool:

Scenario implements a pinned version with minimal configuration. Additionally it demostrated the complete code signing lifecycle using signtool.

See the Venafi CodeSign Protect: Python (PyPi) Package documentation for more detailed configuration examples and applicable parameters.

When using a shared runner, only update runs-on: parameter value with windows-latest.

    runs-on: ["self-hosted", "Windows", "X64" ]   # runs-on: windows-latest
    name: Example with self-hosted Windows runner
      - name: Setup CSPDriver
        id: cspdriver
        uses: qensus-labs/venafi-codesigning-wrapper-action@v1.0.0
          venafi-version: '24.1.0'
          venafi-csc-url: 'https://my-tpp/csc'
          venafi-auth-url: 'https://my-tpp/vedauth'
          venafi-hsm-url: 'https://my-tpp/vedhsm'
          include-config: 'false'
      - name: Display output values
        run: |
          echo "Output \"csp-driver-cached-path\" [${{steps.cspdriver.outputs.csp-driver-cached-path}}]"
          echo "Output \"csp-driver-cached-version\" [${{steps.cspdriver.outputs.csp-driver-cached-version}}]"
      - name: Check CSPDriver (version)
        run: |
          cspconfig.exe version
      - name: Build foo.exe
        run: |
          copy C:\Windows\System32\Notepad.exe foo.exe
      - name: Store the foo.exe artifact
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
          name: foo.exe
          path: foo.exe
      - name: Setup Python 3.11
        uses: actions/setup-python@v4
          python-version: '3.11'
      - name: Install Venafi Python package
        run: pip install venafi-csp
      - name: Setup Windows SDK
        uses: GuillaumeFalourd/setup-windows10-sdk-action@v2
          sdk-version: 20348
      - name: Add SDK (20348) to GITHUB_PATH
        run: |
          "C:\Program files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.20348.0\x64" >> $env:GITHUB_PATH
      - name: Sign artifact with signtool
        shell: cmd
        run: python -mvenafi_csp.signtool_sign_command
          TPP_AUTH_URL: 'https://uvo1gm8xtvysk75eax6.env.cloudshare.com/vedauth'
          TPP_HSM_URL: 'https://uvo1gm8xtvysk75eax6.env.cloudshare.com/vedhsm'
          TPP_USERNAME: signer
          TPP_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.TPP_PASSWORD }}
          INPUT_PATH: foo.exe
          TIMESTAMPING_SERVERS: http://timestamp.digicert.com
      - name: Verify artifact with signtool
        shell: cmd
        run: python -mvenafi_csp.signtool_verify_command
          TPP_AUTH_URL: 'https://uvo1gm8xtvysk75eax6.env.cloudshare.com/vedauth'
          TPP_HSM_URL: 'https://uvo1gm8xtvysk75eax6.env.cloudshare.com/vedhsm'
          TPP_USERNAME: signer
          TPP_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.TPP_PASSWORD }}
          INPUT_PATH: foo.exe
      - name: Store the foo.exe signed & validated artifact
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
          name: foo-signed.exe
          path: foo.exe

Contribution & development

See the contribution guide.