qhenkart / gosqs

MIT License
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Circleci Go Reference

What if sending events to SQS or SNS was as easy as this

So easy to send messages!

What if receiving SQS messages was as easy as this

So easy to send messages!

Yes it is possible! Check out my blog post that led me to develop this library

Do you have a simple messaging system and need to scale to hundreds, thousands, millions? I am available for contracts to scale your async messaging system and provide a customized solution for you and your team/company/project! Email me at qhenkart@gmail.com. Let's make magic together!

Better yet, do it yourself for free with this open source project.

GoSQS serves as the messaging interface between AWS-SQS and AWS-SNS services. If there is an feature you would like implemented, please make a Pull Request

Please refer to the examples to see how to interact with this library. Please make contributions, and post any issues.

Take a look at the Dead Letter Queue and Naming your Queue as they are important for this design pattern


Scaling the Consumers

Each SQS consumer is ready to be scaled up as well as scaled out.

Configuring SNS

configuring SNS is easy, simply login to the AWS-console, navigate to SNS. Click on Topics on the sidebar and "Create New Topic". Fill in the name and display name.

Configuring SQS

  1. Navigate to aws-sqs
  2. Choose a queue Name and click on Standard Queue
  3. Click configure, apply optional configurations
  4. Hit Create Queue
  5. in the main page, click on the newly created queue
  6. Click on Queue Actions and at the bottom hit "Subscribe Queue to SNS Topic"
  7. Select the SNS topic from the dropdown provided

Naming your Queue

The naming convention for queues supported by this library follow the following syntax

- ## SQS Configurations ### Default Visibility Timeout The default visibility timeout is responsible for managing how often a single message gets received by a consumer. A message remains in the queue until it is deleted, and any receipt of the message that does not end in deletion before the Visibility Timeout is hit is considered a "failure". As a result, the Default Visibility Timeout should exceed the maximum possible amount of time it would take for a handler to process and delete a message. The currently set default is 30 seconds *note* The visibility timeout is extended for an individual message, for a maximum of 3 x the visibility timeout ### Message Retention Period The # of days that the Queue will hold on to an unconsumed message before deleting it. Since we will always be consuming, this value is not important, the default is 4 days ### Receive Message Wait Time The amount of time that the request will hang before returning 0 messages. This field is important as it allows us to use long-polling instead of short-polling. The default is 0 and it *should be set to the max 20 seconds to save on processing and cost*. AWS recommends using long polling over short polling ### Custom Attributes You can add custom attributes to your SQS implementation. These are fields that exist outside of the payload body. A common practice is to include a correlationId or some sort of trackingId to track a message ### DEAD LETTER QUEUE CONFIGURATION The following settings activate an automatic reroute to the DLQ upon repetetive failure of message processing. * Redrive Policy must be checked * The Dead Letter Queue name must be provided (A DLQ is just a normal SQS) * Maximum Receives reflects the amount of times a message is received, but not deleted before it is requeued into the DLQ * *Including a DLQ is an absolute must, do not run a system without it our you will be vulnerable to Poison-Pill attacks* ## Consumer Configuration ### Custom Middleware You can add custom middleware to your consumer. These will run using the adapter method before each handler is called. You can include a logger or modify the context etc ## Testing You can set up a local SNS/SQS emulator using https://github.com/p4tin/goaws. Contributions have been added to this emulator specifically to support this library Tests also require this to be running, I will eventually set up a ci environment that runs the emulator in a container and runs the tests