qinhuan / cascadeCNN_license_plate_detection

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Implement cascade cnn for license plate detection

Author: HuanQin

E-mail: xiaoyu1qh1@163.com

Paper : http://users.eecs.northwestern.edu/~xsh835/assets/cvpr2015_cascnn.pdf

Train process

Train process details in process.txt

Test process

Test process details in lp_test.py, you can run python lp_test.py

You need to change some parameters as follows:

run lp_test.py

I set up the ratio of w and h to 3:1. net input size is as follow:

For my dataset, I only use 12-net, 12-cal-net, 24-net and 48-cal-net.

You can change the parameters if you want.

More information, you can read the paper and see the code.


Use 12-net, 12-cal-net, 24-net and 48-cal-net, runs at 10 FPS on a single CPU(Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v4 @ 2.20GHz) for 640x360 images.

For more accurary, you can use 12-net, 12-cal, 24-net, 24-cal, 48-net and 48-cal.

Detection results: