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[Chemistry] My Chemical Romance #21

Open Brogis1 opened 4 years ago

Brogis1 commented 4 years ago


entanglement_with_atom Calculate entanglement entropies of orbitals and represent their mutual information matrix as in the Figure above (numbers correspond to the orbitals, the boldness of the lines connecting them is proportional to the magnitude of entanglement).


Most likely locations of electrons around nuclei are represented by molecular orbitals. In chemistry, the number of molecular orbitals is usually very large and prohibits simulations of systems of research interest. Methods that select only a few relevant ones have been developed. A clever selection allows to describe the physics correctly and to reduce the computational cost significantly (i.e. reducing the number of qubits required for a simulation on a quantum quantum). Recently, a method based on the measurement of entanglement was implemented on classical computers. For example, the entanglement entropy can represent the amount of correlation between pairs of orbitals. Evaluation of this quantity brings insights into which orbitals are the most important (as a diatomic molecule gets stretched in Figure above) and which can be potentially neglected. The proposition is to evaluate on a quantum computer the entanglement entropies to construct the mutual information matrix I.

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Qiskit Aqua Module

GitHub repo


HermanniH commented 4 years ago

I am potentially interested in working on this

Brogis1 commented 4 years ago

Great, talk to me anytime if you want to talk more about it :)

HermanniH commented 4 years ago

Hey where are you?

DPhyOmega commented 4 years ago

I am also interested in this project but I'm not sure how much I can contribute. Where can I find you guys to discuss a bit more?

yamamoto-takahiro commented 4 years ago

I'm really into this project and would like to know more about this subject. Could you share a copy of this ref paper?

Thank you.

Brogis1 commented 4 years ago

Great. I am now in Theatro, only guy with a qiskit baseball cap and all in black. Sitting on the left side, at the last table no 21. Talk anytime guys.

Brogis1 commented 4 years ago

The paper can also be found on arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/1303.7207

Supanut-Thanasilp commented 4 years ago

I am interested in this project as well

yamamoto-takahiro commented 4 years ago

I'm in, Takahiro Yamamoto, Physicist.

Brogis1 commented 4 years ago

Come to the table 20 at the front ! I will present the stuff to everybody to make it clearer.

paulpaul60229 commented 4 years ago

hi i am CHO, CHIEN-HUNG.i am interesting in it as well

Brogis1 commented 4 years ago

GitHub Repo: https://github.com/Brogis1/qiskit-aqua the code can be found in the qiksit-aqua/qiskit/chemistry It consists of 3 python files: orbital_mutual_information.py plot_mutual_information.py and run_orbital_mutual_information.py To run the code just execute: run_orbital_mutual_information.py It will run a VQE to find the ground state. From the ground state evalutate the mutual information matrix and plots the graph where the links between nodes represent the entanglement strength between spatial molecular orbitals and the size of the dot the orbital entropy.