qiushihe / delayed-plugins-raven

DelayedJob exception notification with Sentry Raven
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DelayedJob exception notification with Sentry Raven

Based on Ben Oakes's AirBrake plugin (https://github.com/benjaminoakes/delayed-plugins-airbrake) with samples provided by Bruno Miranda (https://gist.github.com/brupm/3c7056b03d62ba415015).


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'delayed-plugins-raven'


Register the plugin like so:

require 'delayed-plugins-raven'
Delayed::Worker.plugins << Delayed::Plugins::Raven::Plugin

In a Rails project, this can be done in config/initializers.

Optional Configuration

To configure Delayed::Plugins::Raven independently from the default Raven configuration, add an initializer to config/initializers:

require 'delayed-plugins-raven'
Delayed::Plugins::Raven.configure_raven do |config|
  config.dsn = ENV["SENTRY_DSN"]
  config.excluded_exceptions = []

If this configuration is omitted, Raven.capture_exception will be invoked with the default Raven configuration.

Some other aspects of this plugin can be configured with Delayed::Plugins::Raven.configure_plugin:

Delayed::Plugins::Raven.configure_plugin do |config|
  config.excluded_attributes = ["created_at", "updated_at", "last_error"]
  config.trimmed_attributes = { "last_error" => 20, "handler" => 10 }

See Delayed::Plugins::Raven::Configuration for default value of the above configurations.