qiuxiafei / zk-web

A web UI for zookeeper
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zk-web is a Web UI of Zookeeper, just making it easier to use. Sometimes I really get tired of the command line. zk-web is written in clojure with noir and boostrap. Currently there're just less than 450 lines clojure code at all. Clojure is really so simple and so elegent!


To use zk-web, you need leiningen and git currentlly. (And I'll make a stand-alone package later). Run the following command:

git clone git://github.com/qiuxiafei/zk-web.git
cd zk-web
lein deps # run this if you're using lein 1.x
lein run

Meet with zk-web at http://localhost:8080! I'am sure it's super easy!

Package UberJar

cd zk-web
lein uberjar

Create debian package

docker build -t zk-web .
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/usr/src/app zk-web /bin/bash /usr/src/app/build-pkg-with-fpm.sh

Install and run it with following commands:

sudo dpkg -i zk-web_0.1.0-SNAPSHOT_all.deb
sudo systemctl start zk-web

Enable the zk-web service in order for it to be autorestart on host reboot:

sudo systemctl enable zk-web


zk-web is also easy to configurate. It reads $HOME/.zk-web-conf.clj or conf/zk-web-conf.clj when it starts up. As you‘ve already seen, the configuration file is also clojure code. Let's see an example:

 :server-port 8989  ;; optional, 8080 by default
 :users {
         "admin" "hello"
         ;; map of user -> password
         ;; you can add more
 :default-node "localhost:2181/my-start-node" ;; optional





Copyright (C) 2012

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.