qligier / PixelDngFixer

An application that fixes broken metadata of DNG (RAW) files generated by the Google Camera app
MIT License
8 stars 0 forks source link
camera dng exif exitool gps java photo pixel

![Pixel DNG Fixer Logo](src/main/resources/images/logo_color_128.png) Pixel DNG Fixer

Note An application that fixes broken metadata of DNG (RAW) files generated by the Google Camera app built on top of JavaFX.

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How To RunMetadataContributeLicense

When saving both the JPG and DNG (RAW) photos, the Google Camera application on Pixel smartphones generates DNG files with missing or invalid metadata (see thereafter for an example). Multiple bug reports have been reported to Google (1, 2, 3, 4) but no fix has been provided yet. This application uses the JPG files and copy their metadata to fix the DNG files.

Simply copy the JPG (sdcard/DCIM/Camera) and DNG (sdcard/Pictures/Raw) files to a single folder. Choose that directory in the application and hit the big button! That's it.

Screenshot of the application

How To Run

Make sure ExifTool is installed and on the path (exiftool -ver to test). You'll also need the JRE (or JDK) 17 to run the application from the JAR or sources.

Run the fat JAR:

java -jar pixel-dng-fixer-1.0.3.jar

Or run the application from sources:

mvn compile exec:java


The following metadata are currently supported:

Warning The depth map metadata are missing from DNG files but not copied yet.

This is an example of photo metadata, as created by the Google Camera app with a Pixel 4a 5G and reported by ExifTool.

         ExifTool tag   JPG photo                 DNG photo
         ============   =========                 =========
                  ISO   67                        64
             APERTURE   1.72907446261573          1.69999970969816
        SHUTTER_SPEED   0.000128139243606331      0.00012822898256381
        METERING_MODE   2                         null
              FNUMBER   1.73                      1.7
        EXPOSURE_TIME   0.000128                  0.0001282291487
     EXPOSURE_PROGRAM   2                         null
         GPS_LATITUDE   35.5515083333333          null
     GPS_LATITUDE_REF   N                         null
        GPS_LONGITUDE   24.1923444444444          null
    GPS_LONGITUDE_REF   E                         null
         GPS_ALTITUDE   80.91                     null
     GPS_ALTITUDE_REF   0                         null
        GPS_TIMESTAMP   07:31:40                  null
SUB_SEC_TIME_ORIGINAL   129                       164973
    GPS_IMG_DIRECTION   41                        null
GPS_IMG_DIRECTION_REF   M                         null
          OFFSET_TIME   +03:00                    null
        SOFTWARE HDR+   1.0.377695977zd           HDR+ 1.0.377695977zd
                 MAKE   Google                    Google
                MODEL   Pixel 4a (5G)             Pixel 4a (5G)


Contributions, discussions and bug reports are always welcome!


The application is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE for more information.

How to build

mvn clean package